D20 Series 3.5 Revised - "With this Axe, I Persuade You ."

The Persuader

For the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

Real Name: John Daab
Nationality: American, Anglo-European
Alignment: Neutral Evil [Mercenary]
Legal Status: An American citizen with a criminal record once pardoned under the provisions of the contract as detailed by the executive powers of the United States government. Currently incarcerated under a second set of alternate charges. Awaiting transportation to Belle Reve prison, Louisiana.
Group Affiliation: Semi-active member of the Injustice Gang and an occasional member of the Suicide Squad. The Persuader works with a variety of criminal partners, if the heist is to his liking and the potential loot is worth the effort. He prefers to work exclusively with men. His past dalliance with Sliding Ghost has left him heartbroken.
Base Power Level: [-12-] – Unlimited Power Level/Power Points

Str: [-21-][+05]
Int: [-17-][+03]
Wis: [-14-][+02]
Dex: [-17-][+03]
Con: [-18-][+04]
Cha: [-15-][+02]
Point Total: [-42-]

Saving Throws
Toughness: [+08]
Insight: [+06]
Will: [+06]
Reflex: [+08]
Fortitude: [+08]
Stability: [+04]
Point Total: [-22-]

- Damage: [+05]
- Defense: [+10]
- Grapple: [+07]
- Initiative: [+05]
- Melee Attack: [+09]
- Range Attack: [+06]
Point Total: [-40-]

Acrobatics [+05], Bluff [+05], Climb [+10], Computers [+08], Demolition [+03], Disable Device [+08], Drive [+08], Intimidate [+08] Knowledge - Current Events [+10], Knowledge - Civics: Department of Energy [+10], Knowledge – Physical Science: Nuclear Physics [+10], Navigate [+03], Notice [+06], Profession: Black Markets [+08], Profession: Nuclear Storage/Safety Procedures [+06], Repair [+06], Search [+05], Sense Motive [+05], Stealth [+06], Survival [+05], Swim [+10] Technology: Computers {+10] Technology: Nuclear [+10]
Points: [-25-][-100 Ranks-]

Archaic Weapons Proficiency, All-Out Attack, Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency, Assessment, Attack Focus [+02], Blind-Fight, Critical Strike, Defensive Strike, Evasion [+04], Fearsome Presence [+02], First Strike [+01], Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Disarm, Improved Flank, Improved Sunder, Instant Up, Interpose, Languages [+04 - Chinese, French, German, Russian], Mobility, Move-By Attack, Power Attack, Sweeping Strike, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Break
Points: [-33-]

Radioactive Cannibalism – John Daab has the singular ability to absorb nuclear radiation and its various particles. Once absorb via physical contact, the contaminating material passes through his physical body and is rendered inert without harm to his physiology or anatomy. Unknown to the Persuader, his unique power has an unusual post-mortem effect. Absorption 12 [Drawbacks: Sterile – The Persuader is incapable of siring children and thus must rely on magical or advanced genetic engineering to produce offspring, Extra: Both Types – Physical and Energy, Feats: Alternate powers x2 – Super-Senses 02 – Detect Radioactivity Only, Feat: Improved Range, Immunity 01 – To Radioactive Environments - Extra: Duration - Permanent, Slow Fade, Universal Donor - John’s blood can be used to purge the harmful effects of radiation poisoning and chemotherapy - Flaws: Limited – Nuclear Radiation Only, Limited: Dispersal – does not gain power points with the absorption of nuclear radiation, Flaw: Passive – 0/R] Power Packaging: All Linked
Points: [-33-]

Weapons and Equipment

The Atomic Axe
These psionic-empowered devises were constructed by an unknown (yet a highly psi-technological) civilization and used by an elite Specforce presumed to originate from an alternate futuristic timeline. This timeline in one appropriate historical paradox cease to exist do to a convergence (a temporal unfolding) in a fourth-degree sequence of chronological events. However initial energy scans point to a second probable origin and thus another method of speculation. It points to the theoretical journey from a shattered alternate universe with specific vibrational energy frequencies imbued onto the surface of the axe. Any scientific analysis gathered from the study of the Atomic Axe is, to date, stunted. Field journals and highly classified documents from the United States government and various Black Op science bunkers reveal these weapons were used to eradicate enemy bio-weapons capable of assimilating and reconstituting any classification of organic matter. Empathic and psychometry emanations via government psi agents left some teams traumatized upon examination. Physical examination via nano-technology has cultivated curious bio-matter in the form of protein-sheath insulated viral organisms. All bio-organism were cultivated to prevent contamination in our reality, however further examination ceased when twin xeno-entities deposited the Atomic Axe into the hands of dubious sociopaths, criminals, mercenaries, and bounty hunters capable of harnessing its toxic energies to fuel their own personal agendas. The axe is current possessor is currently at large.

However, without protective armor, the Atomic Axe is likely to poison its next possessor.

Field reports show two different individuals wielding the Atomic Axe clashing with both Superman, Bat-Man and the current incarnation of the Blue Beetle.

It’s presumed where there is one axe, there is bound to be another. Forensic evidence, although some say speculation, has pointed towards two other super-powered axes that were deposited in our universe via xeno-technological means. An Ionic Axe capable of manipulating weather and lightning and a Solar Axe capable of hurling localized solar flares and manipulating gravity in a given area.

Powers: Device 15 – [Drawback: Noticeable Energy Field, Feats: Alternate Powers x7, Deflect 10Feats: Ricochet, Enhance Attribute: Fortitude Save 10Drawback: limited to radiation only, Bequeathed when grasped, Enhance Attribute: Strength 10Drawback: Bequeathed When grasped, Radiation Control 15 – Drawbacks: Toxic, Feats: Alternate Powers x4, - Environmental Control, Nauseate, Affects Insubstantial, Subtle, Extra: Disease - Radiation Sickness, Strike 12Extra: Cleave, Summon 12Drawback: Limited to the Atomic Axe] Power Packaging: All Linked

Base Cost: 4/R + 6
Prerequisites: None
Total Cost: [-95-] = [-190/2-]
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

Atomic Armor
Protection 09 [Drawbacks: Noticeable, Extra: Impervious, Feat: Alternate Power x2 – Enhanced Trait: Strength 02, Super-Movement: Air-Walking 02]

Villain Points: [-13-]
Point Total: [-195-]

Notes: High school was a challenging success for John Daab. He was a student with above average intelligence (John was a B+ student). To make up for his stunted intelligence, John was naturally athletic and was able to participate extensively in baseball, track-and-field, weight lifting, and bicycling. He possessed an aggressive yet smooth demeanor, one that enabled him to remain competitive yet interested in the potentials of academia. His physical competence earned him several team and individual trophies and two scholarships to attend a major university when he graduated. Better yet, he could have been trained for the major leagues or Olympic competition. Life was fair but uneventful for John Daab.

When his unspectacular abilities manifested late in adolescence, it was done without his awareness.

Oblivious to his powers, John strove the road towards academia, yet remain physically active in some sports, namely track and softball. Four years of college and military service trained John as a nuclear technician. With his application and acceptance in the Department of Energy, John saw his first taste or career success in government and politics. The physical science of nuclear safety and other nuclear technologies opened his perception to potential and hazards of radiation, both national and international, the possibly of being a presidential candidate could happen with the right people, policies and money. Then he met Amanda and fell for the wrong woman.

Amanda was a radical environmental activist and a radical environmentalist who despised mining, whaling, and nuclear proliferation. She hated the later, especially nuclear technologies and their potential hazards. She also had personal reasons. Amanda was a third of forth generation Japanese-American whose then young grandmother had survived the devastation of Hiroshima. Yoshi Honda would pass her accursed legacy onto her grandchildren. Amanda discovered she was a mutant as well and would use the name Sliding Ghost in her criminal enterprises. She was also a participant and one of four masterminds in staging a raid on a nuclear reactor. Their purpose was to sabotage the reactor, but keep the remaining nuclear energies within it contained. A quarantined reactor is a useless reactor. Keep a watch of the contaminated site until it can be repaired and cleansed then contaminant it again. Overall, They wanted to force the closure of the reactor and its adjacent storage facility out of their state.

Amanda befriended John as a method of infiltrating the facitity. They’re relationship blossom and took a different course then she had planned. Her love for John through the year of espionage was genuine, she was loyal to the plan and would betray him. Passion overtook common scene as John tried to sire a child to keep some sort of attachment with Amanda. It was one night in the throes of passion, John realized he could be sterile and may not be able to father children. Several blood tests confirmed his presence of a meta-human gene and a tweak in his blood chemistry. John Daab learned he could absorb radiation through physical contact, pass it through his body, and render it inert. He kept his abilities secret from Amanda and would tell her with heartbroken truth when the time was right.

Three days later, Amanda and her group of radicals infiltrated the reactor and left John Daab unconscious in a contaminated wing thinking the radiation would cover all evidence. His powers saved him and the communications technology. An official of the DoE, was able to contact John while Haz-Mat crews trained in fire-fighting and radioactive sites sought to decontaminate the sight. This unnamed official directed John via cell phone to two lead-lined secondary storage lockers. The DoE official told John to don the armor found within the first locker. What John did not except to find with the Atomic Axe in the second locker. John grabbed the Atomic Axe and was struck with a surge of energy from the weapon. He had a new mission in life.

Within a week, two of Amanda’s associates were dead. A Third was hospitalized with extensive lacerations and radioactive contamination. Several more had been assaulted and battered. Amanda had moved on, but later learned of the Persuaders real identity. To this day, she looks over her knowing John has a broken heart and a vendetta to settle. John, in ignorance and happenstance, has yet to know of her identity as the Sliding Ghost.

The Persuader, The Atomic Axe, The Fatal Five
© DC Comics 2007.

John Daab, Character Concept
© Jeffrey Williams 2007.

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