RPG Series - The Secrets of Pact magic

In yesterday's mail, I received my proof copy of the Secrets of Pact Magic from Radiant Press. I carefully slit the box open and ventured a first look.

:::thumbs through pages without the hazards of papercuts:::

I have yet to read it from page to page, but what an excellent book filled with source material and it greatly expands the potential of the binder character class. Even if I do not use the given material in this book it is flexible enough to adapt to other campaign settings. Radiant Press also has a website which is an excellent treasure trove of little gems and usable software. A binder character generator, die server, and score generator can be found all on one page. They have a sneak preview page that contains many .pdf files, including several previews in their forthcoming book. It also has a portrait gallery and interesting supplementary material for your future use.

There is a binder quiz to determine what generic astrological sign you represent if you wish to design a binder based on your own personality.

Uh, let's see...

"You are the fiend!"

"Sages of pact magic often associate ancient spirits with 13 constellations. Based on your responses to the quiz at www.pactmagic.com, your best-fit constellation is the fiend. You are deceitful, easily earning the ire of others even when you try your best to win them over; yet, when your intelligence is needed, others come to benefit from your devious strategies. You enjoy gossip, trickery, and manipulating others; yet beware, it may be you who is maligned and tricked."

That's a surprise! Oh my, what sharp claws I have.

I also designed two characters using the binder character generator. They are siblings and each others sisters.

Female spirit-touched (greater) half-elf ravaged soul 1 (ECL 3)
NE medium humanoid
Init +02; Senses Listen +0, Spot +02, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, book scent (as scent, but detect books and scrolls), use detect pact spirits spell at will, detect spirit status
Aura faint evil
Languages Common, Elvish, Goblin, Infernal
Comeliness 14 (attractive) ; Apparent Age 24
Look A tough, confident half-elf with circular pact-magic tattoos, traces of faces, hands, and eyes beneath the skin, and eyes that show windows within the irises.

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15
(armor=3, shield=0, dex=2, size=0, natural=0, class=0, items=2) ; Armor studded leather armor
hp 19 (1d12+4)
Fort +06, Reflex +04, Will +01
Defenses immune to sleep effects, +02 save vs. enchantments, evasion, evasive cover, Toughness
Key Ability constitution

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Special Moves fast movement (+10 ft) at will, slow fall 0 ft, ring of climbing (Climb +10)
Base Attack +01; Grapple +03
Weapon Set two bladed sword (1d8/1d8), spiked gauntlet (1d4), light crossbow (1d8, 19-20, 80 ft)
Magic Weapons None
Melee +03 ; Ranged +03 ; Str Dmg Bonus +02
Combat Options sudden strength +01 3/day, disintegrating eye ray (1d6 force damage)

Highest Level Spirit 1st; Binding Check +4
Effv Binder Lvl 1st ; Granted Ability DC 14 + spirit level
Bonus Abilities None
Highest Lvl Spirits Aza’zati, The Green Wyrmling (pg 66); Cave Mother, Sorceress of Secrets (pg 68); Forash, Precipice of Spirits (pg 70); General Hessant, Patron of Lost Soldiers (pg 72); Gwenolyn’s Ghost, The Haunting Lover (pg 74); Marat, Guardian of Shields (pg 76)
Ravager Spirit
—Disintegrating Eye Ray: 60-ft ranged touch attack, 1d6 force damage, max 1/round.
—Alert Ravagers: 30-ft sonic emenation, passes supernaturally through all mundane barriers.
—Detect Spirit Status: 10-ft cone, detect presence, type and location of possessed or bound creatures. Otherwise as detect pact spirit.
—Evasive Cover: Evasion as rogue. If cover is present within move range after you make a Reflex save, make a Hide check to take cover unnoticed.
—Stealth Bonus: +02 Spot checks, +02 Hide checks.
—Sudden Strength: 3/day, for 1 round as a free action, apply +02 Str.
Magic Options Minor Binding feat (seal pact to gain one ability of a 1st level spirit, d20+0), consume eyes (1/day, feed on a corpse for 3 rounds to gain 1 supernatural eye, +01 Spot bonus, plus 1d4 uses of 1 granted ability of consumed binder, max 1 eyes), Favored Spirit (ravager), Rapid Binding (ravager), bonus pact magic feats (0)

Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 09, Cha 16
Feats Toughness
SP 08 ; Key Skills Climb +12, Jump +06
Armor/Shield Check Penalty -01
Misc skill bonuses, any favored class, elf blooded, one supernatural ability (see Secrets of Pact Magic, page 307), bonus languages
Action Points 05 (1d6)

Magic Items ring of climbing (Climb +10), suit armor +02, long sword +02
Encumbrance Medium 67+ lbs, Max 200 lbs, Current NaN lbs
Other Gear empty journal, clothing, bedroll, rations, chalk, apocrypha, rope, journal, quill, ink, books
gp NaNgp

Affiliation None; About Not affiliated with any group and its unique spirit.
Ranking 0 (scale 0-30); Activities None
History Was drawn to a particular spirit's legendary exploits. In response, desires to transcend mundane life, maybe to be a spirit.

Female spirit-touched (greater) half-elf occult priest 1 (ECL 3)
NG medium humanoid
Init +00; Senses Listen +03, Spot +03, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, book scent (as scent, but detect books and scrolls), use detect pact spirits spell at will
Aura faint good as cleric (diviners under 0 HD stunned 1 round)
Languages Common, Elvish, Goblin
Comeliness 16 (beautiful) ; Apparent Age 20
Look A tough, confident half-elf with circular pact-magic tattoos, traces of faces, hands, and eyes beneath the skin, and eyes that show windows within the irises.

AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13
(armor=3, shield=0, dex=0, size=0, natural=0, class=0, items=0) ; Armor studded leather armor
hp 09 (1d6+3)
Fort +05, Reflex +00, Will +04
Defenses immune to sleep effects, +02 save vs. enchantments
Key Ability charisma

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Special Moves None
Base Attack +00; Grapple +00
Weapon Set quarterstaff (1d6/1d6), light crossbow (1d8, 19-20, 80 ft), dagger (1d4, 19-20, 10 ft)
Magic Weapons None
Melee +00 ; Ranged +00 ; Str Dmg Bonus +00
Combat Options None

Highest Level Spirit 1st; Binding Check +04
Effv Binder Lvl 1st ; Granted Ability DC 13 + spirit level
Bonus Abilities None
Highest Lvl Spirits Aza’zati, The Green Wyrmling (pg 66); Cave Mother, Sorceress of Secrets (pg 68); Forash, Precipice of Spirits (pg 70); General Hessant, Patron of Lost Soldiers (pg 72); Gwenolyn’s Ghost, The Haunting Lover (pg 74); Marat, Guardian of Shields (pg 76)
Spellcasting Fixed set of divine spells drawn from domain lists, each spell castable once per day.
Domains Knowledge
Occult Path Benefit Pact Circle: permanent +04 bonus on all binding checks
Spell Slots -/1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/- ; Spell DC 13 + spell level ; Caster Level: 01
Spells Known
1st— detect secret doors
0th— None
Magic Options Minor Binding feat (seal pact to gain one ability of a 1st level spirit, d20+0), consume eyes (1/day, feed on a corpse for 3 rounds to gain 1 supernatural eye, +01 Spot bonus, plus 1d4 uses of 1 granted ability of consumed binder, max 1 eyes), occult knowledge (as bardic knowledge), aura (as cleric), cast divine spells, divine domain (knowledge), cast divination spells at +01 caster level

Str 10, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 17
Feats Ignore Binding Requirements
SP 28 ; Key Skills Swim +10, Concentration +07, Bluff +07
Armor/Shield Check Penalty -01
Misc skill bonuses, any favored class, elf blooded, one supernatural ability (see Secrets of Pact Magic, page 307)
Action Points 05 (1d6)

Magic Items ring of swimming (Swim +10), magical key (Open Locks +10)
Encumbrance Medium 33+ lbs, Max 100 lbs, Current NaN lbs
Other Gear treasure map, clothing, bedroll, rations, chalk, apocrypha, rope, journal, quill, ink, religious symbol
gp NaNgp

Affiliation None; About Not affiliated with any group and its unique spirit.
Ranking 0 (scale 0-30); Activities None
History Introduced to pact magic by an otherworldly being. In response, is searching for ways to thwart or rebel against the gods' plans.

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