D20 Series 3.5 Revised - Man Made Monstrosity

The Shaggy Man

For the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

Real Name: None
Nationality: None
Alignment: True Neutral [Evil]
Legal Status: Designated artificial lifeform. The Shaggy Man or one of its regenerative aspects is often declared as property by the government in which country he was gestated. Otherwise, The Shaggy Man has no national allegiance. The Shaggy Man is often registered as a black ops bio-weapon.
Group Affiliation: Various affiliations including the Secret Society of Super-Villains, the Injustice Gang, and the Suicide Squad, but the Shaggy Man is primarily used as a siege engine or a shock trooper.
Base Power Level: [-10-] – Unlimited Power Level/Power Points

Str: [-30-][+10]
Int: [-10-][+00]
Wis: [-15-][+02]
Dex: [-21-][+05]
Con: [-21-][+05]
Cha: [-10-][+00]
Point Total: [-47-]

Saving Throws
Toughness: [+08]
Insight: [+00]
Will: [+02]
Reflex: [+10]
Fortitude: [+10]
Stability: [+05]
Point Total: [-16-]

- Damage: [+10]
- Defense: [+10]
- Grapple: [+10]
- Initiative: [+05]
- Melee Attack: [+14]
- Range Attack: [+10]
Point Total: [-28-]

Acrobatics [+10], Climb [+15], Intimidate [+06], Notice [+06], Search [+05], Sense Motive [+05], Stealth [+06], Survival [+10], Swim [+15]
Points: [-11-][-44 Ranks-]

All-out Attack, Ambidexterity, Attack Focus, Critical Strike, Defensive Attack, Environmental Adaptation: Cold, Evasion [+05], Fearless, Fearsome Presence [+02], Grappling Finesse, Improved Grab, Improved Sunder, Improved Throw, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Rage [+02], Seize Initiative
Points: [-24-]

Duplication 10 [Extra: Regenerative Duplication, Feat: Alternate Powers x2 -Enhance Traits: Strength 01, Enhanced Traits: Constitution 05, Drawbacks: Duplicates only], Leaping 08, Protection 02, Regeneration 12 [Extra: Action, Feat: Die Hard, Regrowth], Super Strength 05 [Feat: Bracing, Counterpunching] Power Packaging: All Linked
Points: [-30-]

Weapons and Equipment


Villain Points: [-10-]
Point Total: [-156-]

Notes: The Shaggy Man is a synthetic lifeform grown from a hybrid of DNA and other protein sequences from a salamander, a gorilla, and baseline human DNA. First gestated in the lab of Dr. Andrew Zagarian, the doctor was developing a method to replace damaged organs from healthy tissue samples, but required a lower animal and meta-gene DNA to synthesize the right effect. Dr. Zagarian overshot his intended mark. The beast he fathered proved uncontrollable and went on a rampage. Seeking help, Dr. Zagarian contacted the Justice League to deal with his accidental menace.

The Shaggy Man has clashed twice with the Justice League. It was buried alive with a second grown counter-part thinking that would end the menace of both monsters. They survived however. The original clashed with heroes again before it was micronized. Its sibling was tricked onto an antiquated Soviet nuclear missile and shot into outer space. In a third separate encounter, it was seemingly destroyed with the use of an explosive tipped arrow. Sometime after this incident, The United States military had salvaged its active bio-remains and created a fourth Shaggy Man. Hidden from the general public, this newest incarnation, on the secret orders of General Wade Eiling, was stored in safe storage at the bottom of the deep ocean trench. This fourth incarnation was used as a host for the consciousness of the cancer-ridden general before it was stranded in space via the league’s teleporters.

Criminal enterprises use the near-mindless beast’s fury and super-strength as cheap but very effective “muscle”. Other criminal masterminds like the physically immobile Hector Hammond, the domineering Gorilla Gordd, of the anemic Headlok use the Shaggy Man to off-set their own physical limitations. The blind clairvoyant, Madame Web, employed him in her confrontations against the then criminal Juggernaut.

What makes the Shaggy Man effective in foiling super-heroes is that any mass displaced from the beast will regrow and regenerate. Thus the Shaggy Man is unstoppable by conventional weaponry. Freezing the Shaggy Man and chipping mass from it only causes the creature to regenerate into two or more separate organisms.

Frighteningly, it seems any significant mass removed or displaced from it will group into another Shaggy Man. The beast has proven an effective, although marginally controllable by bio-warfare standards. If given enough time and accurate conditioning via behaviorist conditioning, the Shaggy Man can obey simple commands with animal loyalty.

The Shaggy Man, The Justice League of America
© DC Comics 2007.

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