Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Ring of Fluent Speech

Ring of Fluent Speech

Description: A useful, if somewhat limited, trinket worn by diplomats across the known world. This ring grants a simple +2 circumstance bonus to the character's Diplomacy and Gather Information skills while worn. In addition, three times per day the ring can enable the character to speak any verbal language if using a tongues spell. Once per day the character may speak a spell of suggestion against one specific target within its line of sight. The character must have a mouth or the ability to physically speak. Animal noises or broken speech will not suffice. This ring does aid the character in the translation or comprehension of written languages.

Moderate Divination, Enchantment, Transmutation, CL: 12th
Forge Ring, Eagle's Splendor, Suggestion, Tongues
Market Price: 15,000 Gp
Cost: 7,500 Gp + 300 Exp

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