Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - The Wands of Doloran Metziir

The Wands of Doloran Metziir

History: The manufacturer of these useful utility devices was the half-elven wizard Doloran Metziir of Westgate who lived some 125 years ago. The wizard-merchant was known and well praised by his colleagues in the Art and was a frequent adventurer in Cormyr, Sembia, and the Dalelands. Doloran was an honest and forthright merchant who would rather haggle or persaude a potential customer in parting with his gold coins than pilfer, swindle or rob outright. Although he rarely instigated such confrontations, Doloran unfortunately and frequently crossed paths with the Night Masks on numerous occasions. His open reputation earned him the contempt of the Night Masks until he was forced to slay three of its guild members in an act of self-defense. Conflicts repeated themselves and soon escalated to a degree that often places his very life in danger. In one confrontation, Doloran, nearly delirious with poison, was able to dimension door away from his enemies and seek the curative magics from an Ilmatarian custodian. Doloran vowed to Ilmater and Mystra that he would never allow himself to be caught in such a dire predicament again. Thus his motivation was born to craft wands of variation and variety. Over the decades of his long life, he was able to craft and escribe the means of constructing thirty such wands for friends, family, acquaintences, and wizards he considered friends.

Eventually death from advancing age took Doloran from his few remaining friends and students, but not before he penned his knoweldge into a set of three books. All manuscripts are identical in each book (as written in Mystran archieves) as he gave one to his neice, Talamara the Brazen and his worthiest apprentise, Chalane of Mulmaster. The third of three books was delivered to the War Wizards College of Cormyr were it rests in protective hands to this day.

Talamara and her copy disappeared in a violent tropical storm somewhere in the Sea of Fallen Stars. Rumors and dusty tomes record that Talamara became petty and spoiled in her search for new magics. In doing so she erroneously crossed paths with a high cleric of Umberlee who took her life and her copy of Doloran's works. Unconfirmed reports has her today as undead, possibly a sea zombie or sea ghast, serving yet another of Umberlee's worthy priests.

Chalane's copy is believed to rest with his mortal remains somewhere on the southern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. His crypt is protected by the tight bonded magics and remains sealed even after sixty years. No one has yet penatrated the doors to tomb within that period of time and many scholars believe Mystra herself has a direct hand in this situation. Some state carefully and without blasphemy that Our Lady of Mysteries is waiting for the day when the abjurations will collaspe and her chosen servant will bring forth this lost magic to those worthy of it.

Its been noted that Doloran Metziir's wands have one or several meta-magic capabilities incorporated into them. time and experimentation often reveal what they are.

Wand of Quickened Dimensions Doors
Description: This wand functions in a method similar to the fouth level spell Dimension Door. When activated, the wand projects an energy bubble thats "pops" into existance as a shimmering disc-shaped doorway 7 ft in circumfrance and in any location desired by the user up to a maximum distance of 60 ft. The wand can be used to "pop" a dimension door on a physical object such as a wall, door, or any inorganic object up 7 ft or more in circumfence thus allowing for a "direct line" of circumnavigation. The spell functions at eighth level ability and can transport up the wand wielder and an additional 400 pounds of matter.

Grasping the wand counts as a free action.

Caster Level: 15th
Prerequisites: Craft Wands, Quicken Spell, Dimension Door
Market Cost: 22,500 GP
Cost to Create: 11,250 GP + 1800 Exp

Personal Notes
Those wishing to expand of Doloran Metziir's personal knowledge of wizardry may do so. Bear in mind though his favored spells schools are transmutation and translocation. He also enjoyed abjuration magics and spells that envenomed weapons with a spoken word or phrase. He was also fond of weapons that would bend or twist out of the hands of his enemies then turn and attack them.

Metziir's Menagerie of Levitation
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 10 ft – See Below
Target: See Below
Duration: 1 minute/Level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

This is simple but highly versatile spell enables a wizard to levitate 10 personal wands that hover and float about him at all times until the end of the duration of the spell. He can “levitate” 1 wand per every 2 levels of any wand that is carried on him or in his immediate vicinity within his line of sight. Once stationed around his person, he or she may activate each wand or as many wands as he can activate verbally in one round via their spell triggers. This vocalize is considered a standard action and the Wizard must know the spell triggers for this spell to work, otherwise it will be a wasted effort on his part.

A dispel magic can be used to deactivate the wands, but the their DC save is based on the level of the caster and his charisma modifier. A wand can be grasped from the menagerie verses the wizards touch armor class.

Metziir constructed this spell in order to counter-balance to rampant magical attacks of beholders, their aberration-like kin and archmage who seem to hurl several spell out of nowhere.

A Primer to Meta-Magic Wands

Take into consideration the actual costs in the fabrication of these devices in conjunction with the specific meta-magic feat. A quick glance of meta-magic feats and costs in a specific spell slot, spell level, and caster level and incorporate it into the fabrication costs of the original wand. Meta-Magic effects become part of charge expenditures.

Formula: [Spell Level x Caster Level x 750 Gp] /[1/2 unlimited use base price]

Charges Per Use:
00 (00 – Spell, 00 – Feat)
XXX, CL: 09th
Craft Wand, Spell Feat
Market Price: 00000 Gp
Cost: 0000 Gp + 000 Exp

Wand of Consecrated Searing Light
Description: Upon uttering the spell trigger, this wand emits a burst of searing light that inflicts damage similar to the spell of the same name in addition to carrying the good descriptor.
Charges Per Use: 04 (03 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Strong Evocation CL: 08th
Craft Wand, Consecrate Spell Feat, Searing Light
Market Price: 12000 Gp
Cost: 6000 Gp + 960 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
Book of Exalted Deeds

Wand of Deafening Thunderlance
Description: This wand projects a coherent beam of thunderous energy that strikes its target with a deafening blast. The deafening effect is unidirectional and always away from the wand wielder.
Charges Per Use: 05 (04 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Strong Evocation, CL: 09th
Craft Wand, Deafening Spell Feat, Thunderlance
Market Price: 16875 Gp
Cost: 8438 Gp + 1350 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised
Drow of the Underdark, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Delay Neutralize Poison
Description: When a charge is expended from this simple device, it delays the effects of a single neutralize poison spell for 1 round prior to a poisonous on-set. It the poisonous effect is instantaneous death, the neutralization effect of the wand’s magic automatically works. Otherwise this wand functions in the identical manner of the same spell [See Player’s Handbook Third Edition Revised, Pg. 257].
Charges Per Use: 04 (01 – Spell, 03 - Feat)
Moderate Conjuration CL: 15th
Craft Wand, Quicken Spell Feat, Delay Spell, Neutralize Poison
Market Price: 22500 Gp
Cost: 11250 Gp + 900 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Guide to Faerun, Third Edition

Wand of Empowered Dismissal
Description: This enchanted wand and an item of utmost last resort is useful when dealing with extraplanar creatures in situations where depriving an enemy’s ally proves to be advantageous or any situation where poorly prepared summoning or conjuration magics have gone awry. As an object carrying the empowered spell feat the following DC formula is listed: DC = Wisdom or Charisma modifier, which is ever higher,– Creature’s Hit Dice + 18
Charges per Use: 06 (04 Spell, 01 – Feat)
Strong Abjuration CL: 12th
Craft Wand, Empowered Spell Feat, Dismissal
Market Price: 18000 Gp
Cost: 9000 Gp + 1440 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Empowered Magic Circle Against Evil
Description: When activated, this wand encompasses a wielder in a variable number of interlocking circles of silvery fire with each ring etched in gold flaming runes. This magic circle functions in the same manner as its spell, including the inversion circle capabilities. The empowered spell feat boosts it abilities by one-half as in the same manner as the feat.
Charges Per Use: 05 (02 – Spell, 03 – Feat)
Strong Abjuration, CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Empowered Spell Feat, Magic Circle against Evil
Market Price: 18750 Gp
Cost: 9375 Gp + 1500 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Explosive Icelance
Description: This wand conjures and fires a thick lance-like projection that explodes in icy shards when it strikes it target, another indiscriminate target or an object at the end of its range. Any individual struck by the ice lance suffers the same effects (cold damage only, no piercing damage) as if the ice lance were enhanced with the explosive spell feat.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Strong Conjuration CL: 09th
Craft Wand, Explosive Spell Feat, Icelance
Market Price: 10125 Gp
Cost: 5063 + 810 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised
The Complete Arcane, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Explosive Fireball
Description: Functions as a standard wand of fireballs save the addition explosive spell meta-magic feat as per the Complete Arcane.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Strong Evocation CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Explosive Spell Feat, Fireball
Market Price: 10125 Gp
Cost: 5063 + 810 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised
The Complete Arcane, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Extended Arcane Sight
Description: Uttering the spell trigger enables the wielder to see all magic auras within 120 ft but have a duration extended by one-half its original duration.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Strong Divination, CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Extended Spell Feat, Arcane Sight
Market Price: 18750 Gp
Cost: 9375 Gp + 1500 Exp
The Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
The Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Extended Clairvoyance
Description: Allows visual perception into an area known by the wand wielder. This ability functions at tenth level with the Extended meta-magic spell feat.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Strong Divination, CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Extended Spell Feat, Clairvoyance
Market Price: 18750 Gp
Cost: 9375 Gp + 1500 Exp
The Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
The Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Extended Clairaudience
Description: Allows audio perception into an area known by the wand wielder. This ability functions at tenth level with the Extended meta-magic spell feat.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Clairaudience, CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Extended Spell Feat, Clairaudience
Market Price: 187500 Gp
Cost: 9375 Gp + 1500 Exp

Wand of Extended Giant Vermin
Description: Expending five charges from this wand transmutes small insects into large vermin as per the spell found in the Player’s Handbook , Third edition revised (Page 235) with an expected duration of twenty minutes.
Charges Per Use: 04 (03 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Moderate Transmutation, CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Extend Spell Feat, Giant Vermin
Market Price: 15,000 Gp
Cost: 7500 Gp + 1200 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Extended Tongues
Description: When activated, flakes and sparkling dust encompass the wand wielder for but a brief moment, then within one round the caster can speak one language of his choosing for 16 minutes.
Charges Per Use: 04 (03 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Weak Divination, CL: 08th
Craft Wand, Extended Spell Feat, Tongues
Market Price: 12000 Gp
Cost: 6000 Gp + 960 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Extended Unseen Servant
Description: Using this wand enables the wielder to conjure an invisible servant that maintains its given instructions for twice the length of time as its weaker counterpart. A great utilitarian device when a large cheap labor crew is needed or required.
Charges Per Use: 02 (01 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Weak Conjuration CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Extended Spell Feat, Unseen Servant
Market Price: 3750 Gp
Cost: 1875 Gp + 300 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Lingering Blast of Force
Description: This wand fires a twin, conical-shaped charge at a target and then when it strikes, the charge explodes with concussive force. Energy envelops the target or surface and inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage at the end of the declared combat round.
Charges Per Use: 03 (02 – Spell, 01 – Feat)
Moderate Evocation CL: 10th
Craft Wand, Lingering Spell Feat, Blast of Force
Market Price: 11250 Gp
Cost: 5625 Gp + 900 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised
Champions of Ruin, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Maximize Lesser Orb of Cold
Description: The wand wielder can flash-freeze his enemies with this underrated magical item. An excellent device best used against fire-based monsters or creature native to hot dry climates.
Charges Per Use: 04 (01 – Spell, 03 – Feat)
Moderate Conjuration, CL: 7th
Craft Wand, Maximize Spell Feat, Lesser Orb of Cold
Market Price: 2625 Gp
Cost: 1313 Gp + 210 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Quicken Cure Moderate Wounds
Description: The player may use the magic in this wand as a free action and cast another spell in the same round as a standard action or a full round action. Two actions constitute one standard or full round action in that given round. The character can use the wand use a move action in that round is he or she chooses to do so.
Charges Per Use: 00 (01 – Spell, 00 - Feat)
Weak Conjuration CL: 00th
Craft Wand, Quicken Spell Feat, Cure Moderate Wounds
Market Price: 00 Gp
Cost: 00 Gp + 00 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player Handbook, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Quicken Mage Armor
Description: Grasping this wand enables the wizard or a war mage to conjure a suit of magical armor and then follow with combat spell in the same round.
Charges Per Use: 05 (01 – Spell, 04 - Feat)
Weak Conjuration CL: 09th
Craft Wand, Quicken Spell Feat, Mage Armor
Market Price: 3375 Gp
Cost: 1688 Gp + 135 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook Third Edition Revised

Wand of Quicken Mass Aid
Description: By calling the name of those in her line of sight, the wand wielder is able to cast mass aid and direct it towards her allies in that round as a free action. She may not perform any other action as a move action in that given round.
Charges Per Use: 05 (01 – Spell, 04 - Feat)
Strong Enchantment CL: 15th
Craft Wand, Quicken Spell, Mass Aid
Market Price: 16875 Gp
Cost: 8438 Gp + 675 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised

Wand of Wounding Manyjaws
Description: This spell conjures nine jaws of magical force that may bite up to as many targets as commanded by the wand-wielder. Each bite inflicts it normal magical damage and a 1 hit point of damage that continues to inflict 1 additional hit point per round until stopped by a successful Heal check, cure spell, or heal spell is used first.
Charges Per Use: 05 (03 – Spell, 02 – Feat)
Strong Evocation CL: 09th
Craft Wand, Wounding Spell Feat, Manyjaws [Spell Compendium, Pg. 138]
Market Price: 10125 Gp
Cost: 5063 Gp + 810 Exp
Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition Revised
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition Revised
Lost Empires of Faerun, Third Edition

The Wand of Doloran Metziir and other concepts are the intellectual property of Jeffrey Williams Copyrighted © 2002, 2006, 2007.

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