D20 Series - E.T.A.P.

For the Mutants and Mastermind 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game


“We believe that E.T.A.P. is a designation for Epsilon-R Transport and Analysis Platform. However, we could be wrong. Curious, the letters A.H. appear on almost all these devices….”
- Agent Simon Chase, Field Operative and Technological Analysis

Background: A curious piece of xenological technology designed and used by an unidentified criminal mastermind whose agenda and ulterior motives has yet to be analyzed by national or international security intuitions. Under advisement from directive of the N.S.A., Interpol, and the United Nations Security Council, all E.T.A.P.s acquired through field operation are to be confiscated and impounded for future analysis and eventual disposal. Something big is going to happen.

E.T.A.P. – MI – Epsilon-R Transport and Abduction Platform Mark I [E.T.A.P-M-I]
- Analysis and Abduction Platform

Intelligence: [-25-][+07]
Wisdom: [-20-][+05]
Charisma: [-12-][+01]
Insight: [+05]
Will: [+10]
Toughness: [+01]
Gather Information: [+12] = [+07]+ [+01]+[+04]
Knowledge [Analysis]: [+15] = [+04]+ [+07]+[+04]
Feats: Eidetic Memory, Power Packaging*
Blast 15 [Self-Destruct Mechanism, Extra: Area - cone, Self Only, Flaw: Range 01- Touch] [-30-],Datalink 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Cyberspace, Selective: Limited to similar technology, may not transfer to computers storing different software protocols, Alternate Effects: Machine Control.] [-12-], Illusion 12 [Holographic Emitter- Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Range 02 [-24-], Mental Transform 15 [Neuro-Eliminator – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration] [-32-], Sensory Link 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Feedback] [-30-], Sleep 10 [Pacification Systems and Gas Weapons – Feat: Reversible, Sedation, Extra: Cloud Area] [-42-], Spatial Control 10 [Alternate: Teleportal, Teleport Other Only] [-25-], Stun 12 [Pacification Systems and Incarceration Charges – Feat: Reversal] [-25-], Power Packaging: All Abilities

Abilities 30 + Skills 44 [11 Ranks] + Feats 02 + Powers 109 + Combat 00 + Saves 06 = 191 PP
Power Level: 12

E.T.A.P. – MII - Epsilon Transport and Abduction Platforms Mark I [E.T.A.P-M-II]
- Medical Experimentation and Analysis Platform

Intelligence: [-25-][+07]
Wisdom: [-20-][+05]
Charisma: [-12-][+01]
Insight: [+05]
Will: [+10]
Toughness: [+01]
Knowledge [Biology]: [+12] = [+03]+ [+05]+[+04]
Knowledge [Physiology]: [+12] = [+03]+ [+05]+[+04]
Knowledge [Medicine]: [+12] = [+03]+ [+05]+[+04]
Search [Physiology]: [+10] = [+05]+ [+01]+[+04]
Feats: Eidetic Memory, Power Packaging*
Blast 15 [Self-Destruct Mechanism, Extra: Area - cone, Self Only, Flaw: Range 01- Touch] [-30-], Datalink 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Cyberspace, Selective: Limited to similar technology, may not transfer to computers storing different software protocols, Alternate Effects: Machine Control.] [-12-], Illusion 12 [Holographic Emitter- Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Range 02 [-24-], Mental Transform 15 [Neuro-Eliminator – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration] [-32-], Sensory Link 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Feedback] [-30-], Sleep 10 [Pacification Systems and Gas Weapons – Feat: Reversible, Sedation, Extra: Cloud Area] [-42-], Spatial Control 10 [Alternate: Teleportal, Teleport Other Only] [-25-], Stun 12 [Pacification Systems and Incarceration Charges – Feat: Reversal] [-25-], Power Packaging: All Linked

Abilities 30 + Skills 56 [14 Ranks] + Feats 02 + Powers 125 + Combat 00 + Saves 06 = 219 PP
Power Level: 14

E.T.A.P. – MIII - Epsilon Transport and Abduction Platforms Mark I [E.T.A.P-M-III]
- Synthoid Replication Platform/Assimilator

Intelligence: [-25-][+07]
Wisdom: [-20-][+05]
Charisma: [-12-][+01]
Insight: [+5]
Will: [+10]
Toughness: [+01]
Knowledge [Cybernetics]: [+15] = [+06]+[+05]+[+04]
Knowledge [Engineering]: [+12] = [+03]+[+05]+[+04]
Knowledge [Nanotechnology]: [+15] = [+06]+[+05]+[+04]
Knowledge [Robotics]: [+15] = [+06]+[+05]+[+04]
Repair: [+12] = [+03]+[+05]+[+04]
Feats: Eidetic Memory, Power Packaging*
Blast 15 [Self-Destruct Mechanism, Extra: Area - cone, Self Only, Flaw: Range 01- Touch] [-30-], Datalink 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Cyberspace, Selective: Limited to similar technology, may not transfer to computers storing different software protocols, Alternate Effects: Machine Control.] [-12-], Illusion 12 [Holographic Emitter- Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Range 02 [-24-], Mental Transform 15 [Neuro-Eliminator – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration] [-32-], Sensory Link 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Feedback] [-30-], Sleep 10 [Pacification Systems and Gas Weapons – Feat: Reversible, Sedation, Extra: Cloud Area] [-42-], Spatial Control 10 [Alternate: Teleportal, Teleport Other Only] [-25-], Stun 12 [Pacification Systems and Incarceration Charges – Feat: Reversal] [-25-] Power Packaging: All Abilities

Abilities 30 + Skills 96 [23 Ranks] + Feats 02 + Powers 110 + Combat 00 + Saves 06 = 244 PP
Power Level: 16

E.T.A.P. – MIII - Epsilon Transport and Abduction Personnel Mark IV [E.T.A.P-M-IV]

Nano-Enhanced Cybernetic Organism

Strength: [-12-][+01]
Intelligence: [-14-][+02]
Wisdom: [-12-][+01]
Dexterity: [-12-][+01]
Constitution: [-13-][+01]
Charisma: [-12-][+01]
Fortitude: [+01]
Insight: [+01]
Reflex: [+01]
Will: [+01]
Toughness: [+01]
- Base attributes prior to modification
Variable, Use the Character templates in Mutants and Masterminds 2nd edition (Pages 17-23) or Instant Superheroes (pages 06-83) to create an army of super powered synthoids or heroic duplicates. However they will to additional Skills and two additional feats incorporated into their character block.
Gather Information: [+05] = [+04]+[+01]+[+00]
Knowledge [Analysis]: [+05] = [+04]+[+01]+[+00]
Feats: Eidetic Memory, Power Packaging*
Datalink 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Cyberspace, Selective: Limited to similar technology, may not transfer to computers storing different software protocols, Alternate Effects: Machine Control.] [-12-], Sensory Link 10 [Wireless Systems Transceiver and Info Network – Feat: Subtle, Extra: Continuous Duration, Flaws: Feedback] [-30-]
Variable, no greater than 1xx points for a power level 10 character

Abilities 15 + Skills 02 + Feats 02 + Powers 21: Base + Combat 00 + Saves 05 = 45 PP
Power Level: 03

E.T.A.P. Marks I through IV circumvent all tactical decisions to a larger hive-mind before any necessary and important data reaches the CPU. However, all field decisions are analyzed and so ordered by a mark IV series synthoid. One to three synthoids will be available for field work, while any necessary support can be transported to it particular locale or gestated on site. Mark IV’s favorite tactic is to acquire real estate for the purpose of building an on-site storage faculties or warehouses. The privacy under the guise of a storage front enable a Mark IV to process data and gestate new synthoids while having a secure drop-point for legally purchased supplies and other goods and to store weapons vehicles and paraphernalia for non-synthoid modifications.

Pictures by Frank Cho
© Marvel Comics, 2007.

© Jeffrey Williams, 2007.

Mutants and Masterminds, Second Edition, Property of Green Ronin Games.

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