Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Of Globe and Medallion

Globe of Frost

Description: When thrown against the floor or a hard surface, the fragile globe shatters and explodes in a shower of intense cold and shards of ice in a 40’ radius for 4d8 points of damage. A successful Reflex save vs. DC 15 or an evasion feat cuts the damage by one-half. Although fragile, these globes can not be broken unless their surface is rubbed prior to being thrown. This is a condition of their enchantments and protects the carrier from any unnecessary and potentially harmful accidents. The globes come in a variety of energies and damaging effects (I.E. lingering and wounding meta-magic feats). They include acid, fire, electricity, and sound. Each doing damage to its given energy type.

The Globes are found in clusters of 2 – 4.

Moderate Conjuration, CL: 7th
Craft Wondrous Item, Widen Spell Feat, Lesser Orb of Cold
Market Price: 14000 Gp
Cost: 700 Gp + 56 Exp

Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition

Medallion of Many Words

Description: This simple device is carries an etched mouth of any particular race or monster on its surface. When a specific action, event, time of day (or night), or command phrase is spoken, the mouth activates and speaks a particular message up to 10 words. One round later, it speaks a second message up to ten words then deactivates for one hour.

Moderate Conjuration, CL: 7th
Craft Wondrous Item, Magic Mouth
Market Price: 7200 Gp
Cost: 3600 Gp + 288 Exp

Dungeon Master’s Guide, Third Edition
Player’s Handbook, Third Edition
The Spell Compendium, Third Edition

© Jeffrey Williams, 2007.

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