RPG Series: Vampiric Wyrmspawn

Vampiric Wyrmspawn

Small Magical Beast
Fiendish and Half-Vampire Templates

Source Book: Creature Collection I, Pg. 217.
Published by Sword and Sorcery Studios
The following are monster stats for an adult wyrmspawn, not its juvenile counterpart.

Wyrmspawn, Adult
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (21 hit points), 6d10 + 9 (39 hit points), or 9d10+12 (57 hit points)
Initiative: +6
- 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (Good)
Armor Class
Base: 17 [Half-Vampire: +02]
-Flat-Footed: 15
-Touch: 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4
Attack: Bite +4 melee, 2 Claws +4 melee
Full Attack: Bite 2d4; Claw 2d4
Space/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft/5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Blood Drain, Charm Gaze, Larval Cloud, Poison Bite, Smite Good
Special Qualities:
Blood Dependency, Damage Reduction, Darkvision, Fast Healing 3, Resistance 5 Electricity/Cold/Fire, Spell Resistance 08
Saves: Fort +03, Ref +04, Will +03
Str 12 [+01], Int 04 [-03], Wis 10 [+00], Dex 15 [+02], Con 12 [+01], Cha 08 [-01]
Bluff +02, Hide +10, Listen +08, Move Silently +06, Spot +10
Feats: Eyes of the Abyss , Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness , Iron Will, Irresistible Gaze , Weapon Finesse (Bite)
Environment: Temperate and warm forests, hills and mountains, Nocturnal
Organization: Solitary, Pair or Flock (3-7)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 3-9 HD
Level Adjustment: ---


Blood Drain (Ex): Hal-vampires can suck blood from a living victim with their fangs by making a successful grapple check. If the vampire pins, or clings to the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of constitution damage each round the drain is maintained. A half-vampire can’t drain more points of constitution in a single hour than its constitution score. When a half-vampire drains a victim’s constitution, it gains 5 temporary hit points, no matter how many points it drains. Temporary hit points gained in this way last for up to 1 hour. If the half-vampire has this ability, it also gains the blood dependency special quality.

Blood Dependency (Ex): If a half-vampire does not use its blood drain special attack against at least one living creature each day, it make a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Each day after the first that the half-vampire does not drink blood directly from a living creature, the Dc increase by 1 until it fails the save and becomes fatigued. After that, it must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each week (with the DC increasing by 1 each week thereafter) that it does not use its blood drain or become exhausted.

The fatigue or exhaustion cannot be eliminated by rest (though magic can offset the condition until the vampire fails another save). Using its blood drain ability eliminates a half-vampire’s fatigue immediately, or reduces exhaustion to fatigue.

Charm Gaze (Su): Cyst can charm humanoid or monstrous humanoid opponents just by looking into their eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that half-vampires must use a standard action, and those merely looking at the half-vampire are not effected. Anyone the half-vampire targets must make a successful Will save or fall under the half-vampire’s influence as though affected by a charm monster spell CL 10). Any creature that successfully saves against a half-vampire’s charm gaze cannot be affected by that half-vampire’s charm gaze for 24 hours. The ability has a range of 30 feet.

Darkvision: 60ft.

Fast Healing (Ex): A fast vampire heals 1 point of damage each round so long as it heals 1 hit point but less than half its full normal hit points. As long as the vampire has more than half it normal hit points, its fast healing ability does not function (but other forms of healing function normally).

Flyby Attack (Ex): The Wyrmspawn can attack at any point during, before, or after its move when it is flying.

Larval Cloud (Ex): An adult wyrmspawn can expel a foul cloud at an opponent once each day. The cloud covers a 10-foot diameter; those caught within the cloud must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be blinded and unable to breathe for 1d6+2 rounds. The victim must make a second Fortitude save (DC 13) to avoid ingesting gut worm larvae.

Poison (Ex): When a wyrmspawn strikes with a successful bite attack, the victim must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 13) or suffer paralysis for 1d6+2 rounds.

Resistance: 5/Cold, Fire, Electricity

Smite Good (Su): 1/day +03, 1/day +06, 1/day +09

Spell Resistance: 08, 11, 14

Grown from the very body of a vampiric arch-necromancer, this wizard underwent the creature’s painful infection and hosting process as part of his experiment. The necromancer’s goal was to create a breed of half-vampiric wyrmspawn while infusing them with the demonic essences of the Abyss. He first infected several vampire slaves under his domination to sire the first generation, but not his finalized version. In order to produce fiendish wyrmspawns, he next used Tanar’ri as host bodies, usually quasit, succubi, and vrock species to keep flying abilities intact while infecting the base creature with fiendish essence. Wyrmspawn feed off of some of the genetic material of their host bodies and thus will express traits, dominant and recessive, of their host creature. Near completion, he used the best of his line as a base model and infected himself to produce a successful breed of familiars.

It can be said he survived the birthing process with the aid of his regenerative abilities and other fell magics. In junction with his knowledge in the dark arts, he would perfect a process that would bind the vampiric wyrmspawn as familiars on par with the quasit. Success bore dark fruit. As in certain dark planar bazaars of the Abyss and other foul mercantile fronts, the unknown wizard has made obscene profits in the merchandising of such dark creatures.

Vampiric Wyrmspawn are rarely found on the prime material plane, except in the private service of powerful wizards, sorcerers, or clerics. Their native habitat is the Abyss in service of power demons or their ensorcelled servants, but variant alignment versions are found on the Nine Hells and other planes of evil.

© Jeffrey Williams 2007.

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