D20 Series: Red Hot and Explosive

Two Powers and Ten Archetypes to Blow Your Heroes Away

For Use with the Mutants and Masterminds Second Edition Role-Playing Game

"I sit in my chair and ponder strategies, both sublime and horrid, in all to test the mettle and courage of these so-called champions of freedom, these Avengers, these Titans, these X-Men, and many others. I ponder Nietzsche and what he once wrote: What does not hurt me only makes me stronger."

"Indeed it does....."

- The Mastermind

"Atomic Hitler's Self-Destruct Mechanism"
Self-Destruction - Last Resort
Blast 15: [Power Feats: Triggered, Thrown - Extra: Area: Explosion, Contagious - Radioactivity, Penetrating - Radioactivity - Drawbacks: Full Power - Side-Effect: Auto-Destruct: -03]
The character or android has an internal atomic mechanism that enable it to explode like a micro-nuclear warhead inflicting heat and radioactive damage to its targets and a given area.

Initial Cost: 13
Standard Cost: Blast – 2/R
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

"Breath Weapon: Volcanic Spout"
Blast 6: Lava Breath, [Extra: Area - cone, Flaw: Range 1 - touch, Power Feat: Alternate Power [x2] – Obscure: visual, scent 03 - 25' radius cloud of blinding smoke, Suffocate 03, [Extras: Area, Independent, Total Fade, Flaw: Range 1 - touch, Power Feats: Progression 1 - duration, Immunity 01 - own powers]

The character can emit a lava Blast 6 in a 60' long cone that is 60' wide at it's terminus *or* the character can belch forth a 25' radius cloud of blinding smoke that doesn't impede his own vision or scent and lasts for 22 rounds.

Initial Cost: 45 [Power Package: 23]
Standard Cost: Blast - 9 /R
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

Finally, Ronin Arts has released Mutants and Masterminds: Villainous Archetypes 3 in PDF format. I have the first two VA publications and will use them quite extensively along with number three in the near future.

Copies can be purchased at Green Ronin Publishing. Villainous Archetypes 1 and 2 can be purchased through Ronin Arts itself. The later 2 are in PDF format.

I love that Demoness on the front cover. I look forward to her archetype and modifying her in my M&M game.

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