The Gaming Journal 02

Xamm the Gentle Owlbear
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race/Sex: Half-Elf
Class: Druid of Silvanus, Master of Many Shapes
Levels: 9th / 3rd Level
Spell Level/Number: 0/6, 1st/6, 2nd/5, 3rd/4, 4th/3, 5th/2
Str: [-14-][+02], Int: [-17-][+03], Wis: [-21-][+05], Dex: [-16-][+03], Con: [-12-][+01], Cha: [-19-][+04]
Feats: Alertness, Augment Healing, Cheetah’s Speed, Eagle’s Wings, Endurance, True Believer
Apprentices(?): Yes, a halfling male and the soul survivor of an experienced adventurer company destroyed by a well-prepared hobgoblin tribe. The jarring experience turned his life towards the teachings of Silvanus. A 12 year-old half-drow orphan Xamm adopted from the cruel environments of Skullport. The young girl, although mentally stunted, has caught the attention of Xamm for he sees her inner light and it holds balance in the name of Mielikki.
Weapons and Equipment
Beastskin Armor of Blurring +3, Wooden Shield +2, Energy Immunity (Fire), Scimitar +2 Blessed Keen Edge, Ring of Negative Protection, Club of Disruption and Collision +3

Notes: Unusually quiet and reserved but often speaks with a firm voice in issue regarding defense, survival, balance and policies affecting nature. His companion is a large black bear named Boda. I’ve considered giving him the Dire Animal template and an elemental template.

– Black Bear animal companion with elemental Earth template.

Alignment: True Neutral
Race/Sex: Black Bear Male
Hit Dice: 9d8+9 (00 hp)
Str: [-22-][+06], Int: [-02-][+00], Wis: [-12-][+01], Dex: [-16-][+03], Con: [-15-][+01], Cha: [-06-][+00]
Feats: Endurance, Run, Improved Critical
Apprentices (?): none
Weapons and Equipment
Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Pearly White Spindle Ioun Stone, and a Black-n-White Spindle Ioun Stone (See The True Arcane Story: Ioun Stones, by Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc.)
Bonus (Ex) +4 on Fortitude saves vs. poison
Earth Mastery (Ex) [MotP, Pg. 192-193]
Elemental Traits [MotP, Pg. 192-193]
Fog Cloud (Su) - 2/Day, CL 10
Low-Light Vision
Righteous Might (Su) - 1/Day, CL 10
Resistance 5/Cold, Fire
Skills: A black bear has a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Tremorsense (Ex) [MotP, Pg. 193-193]
Notes: Loyal, Devoted and Fearless to his friend and companion Xamm. Boda has solid Blue eyes and draws his powers from the Elemental Plane of Earth (Elemental Air Template)


Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d4+4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +8
Feats: Endurance, Run
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 2
Advancement: 4–5 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:
The black bear is a forest-dwelling omnivore that usually is not dangerous unless an interloper threatens its cubs or food supply.

Black bears can be pure black, blond, or cinnamon in color and are rarely more than 5 feet long.

Black bears rip prey with their claws and teeth.

Skills: A black bear has a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.

© Boda is the intellectual property of Jeffrey N. Williams, 2007.
All rights reserved.

More Chaos from the Abyss
Fiendish Codex I: The Hordes of the Abyss

The Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss: Fogtown, Pg. 121.

“The Queen’s Causeway and nearly all buildings in Fogtown are currently threatened by a significant rat infestation, with a seemingly endless multitude thronging the streets and making life difficult for the inhabitants. The rats move to the instructions of Raxivort, a goblin-like creature that once served as Graz’zt’s Master of Slaves before breaking into the Dark Prince’s secret vaults and making off with incalculable spoils. Enraged with this betrayal, Graz’zt has ordered Raxivort destroyed, but the wily Night Flutterer has thus far eluded the Dark Prince’s assassins.”

© Wizard of the Coast (Date – Legal Crap)

Raxivort – Lord of Xvarts and Rats – I was beginning to wonder where he scampered off too after the second edition game ceased publication. Was he published in the Planescape accessories? Could it be he’s in the final stages of initiating a slave revolt on an unnamed layer of the Abyss with the support or a demon prince? Or, has Raxivort been hiding out with another Demon Lord in exchange for an allegiance? He has a death mark against him after he robbed Graz’zt’s treasure vaults.

Yes to both questions.

Demogorgon and Orcus appear to be unlikely candidates. However, Fraz-Urb’luu and Malcanthet look like the best business candidates to exploit Raxivort’s uncanny and wily sense of survival. Through Malcanthet, Raxivort has a “running list” of agents, both free and enslaved. Thus being able to access Graz’zt spy-network through a series of favors, the Xvart-Lord is always two or three steps of ahead his ex-master’s attempts to have him assassinated. Raxivort has the support of both Pazuzu and Demogorgon, but the relationship with the former is a distant one at best. Raxivort does not trust the Prince of Lower Aerial Kingdoms at all. Thus he keeps a consider distance away from him. Demogorgon is currently plotting (I.E. The Savage Tide) his demonic evolution to give Raxivort a second thought.

The Queen of Succubi has a considerable need for the Lord of Rats. Malcanthet has Raxivort’s “guerilla tactics” and unparalleled cunning if she ever needs infiltrators and a larger physical force against Yeenoghu, Prince of Gnolls. She also has services of one on the best thieves’ guild in the Abyss. There’s nothing Raxivort can break into and steal.

Raxivort is not stupid. He covertly has the backing of Fraz-Urb’luu who despises Malcanthet’s hold over the Succubi (and deception) of the Abyss. Through Raxivort and his minions, the Prince of Deception has a information network in the very heart of her palace. In exchange for purloining her closest secrets, Raxivort has the promises and military support of his conquest of his own layer of the Abyss currently eyeing the 175th layer). Fraz-Urb’luu will more than likely use it (and Raxivort) as a buffer zone in his up-coming battles against his hated enemies. Still, Raxivort seems to come on top.

Malcanthet bribed Graz’zt’s Master of Slaves for she coveted a few items Graz’zt held in his vaults. In particular, the Desaad’s Whips of Erotic Agony, the Red Fetish of Ursalynn, the Golden Phallic of Mandabar, the Eight Daggers of Rapir’D’Caj, and the Tattered Cloak of Flowing Blood.

Demon Prince of Rats - Progenitor Deity
- Xvart Lycanthropes – Wererats with the Fiendish Templates
- Fiendish Dire Rats
- Fiendish Cranium Rats
- Half-Fiend Xvarts Wererats
- Xvart infantry – Rogue/Fighter/Ranger/Sorcerer multi-class combinations with the short bow, long bow and crossbow as preferred weapons. Rogue being the preferred class amongst Xvarts with fiendish templates on all monster stats.

Guerilla combat tactics, Gang fighting (Three-on-one seems a fair fight. Ha-ha!)

The Hunting Fields of Spirac
The 71st Layer of the Abyss


Layer Number: 71
Ruler: Unknown
Traits: Infinite
A dense forest of spiky ferns and tall, skinny mountains comprise the best hunting grounds in the Abyss, for the woodland depths and impossible heights teem with a staggering variety of unusual animals and magical beasts. Cunning fiends flock to Spirac to hunt yeth hounds (MM 260), vorrs (Fiend Folio 186), nightmare beasts (Monster Manual II 161), and worse. Some of the wiser hunters bring lesser demons such as abyssal skulkers (Monster Manual II 57) and jariliths (Monster Manual II 61) along to help track and kill their prey.

Many demon lords use Spirac as their personal hunting grounds, taking great offense when they run into mortals or other demons invading "their" territory. Despite these claims, no one demon lord controls Spirac for the simple reason that the layer resists any sort of cultivation or civilization. Buildings constructed on the layer crumble into weed-choked ruins and then into natural rock within months of their creation, leaving Spirac an almost complete wilderness.

Not all of Spirac's visitors come seeking game. According to Abyssal lore, a mountain pool near the assumed geographic center of the infinite layer rejuvenates 1d4 x 10 years from a body each time the mortal bathes in the pool. The phenomenon has drawn many mortals to the plane, with most ending up amid scraps of once-fierce prey in the bags of renowned demonic huntsmen. Those who reach the pool, it is said, must sacrifice a portion of their free will to the demon lady Soneillon, who dwells in its unwholesome depths.

© 1995-2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

More on Spirac

Malgoth, an ancient obyrith, once held the title Prince of Eternal Shadows, now exists as a cast-off entity eager to regain its rightful status as a Demon Lord. Malgoth was not destroyed, as some in the Abyss believe. He used one of his last three aspects to waylay his hunters while he prepared to disembody his consciousness from his physical form. Successful, his physical form was hunted to death on the fields of Spirac while his psyche lingered in suspension in the primorial chaos of the Abyss. His death, believed true, is not a contested fact in the Abyss. Most if all Tanar’ri lords believe he is forever slain.

However, fearing his permanent demise, Malgoth secretly secured an aspect on the 72nd layer of the Abyss in the Fortress without Stars in the dark hands of Nocticula, his sired daughter and last true ally. Truly, not in her hands, his aspect exist as a collective entity, but scattered amongst the various shadow infused Tanar'Ri awaiting the arrival of their true master.

He had the foresight to hide a third aspect adrift on the Astral Plane. Asleep, the aspect waits the moment of his transfiguration in the husk of an abandoned deity of shadows and war. Malgoth intends to cannibalize the remnants of his divine persona and the loyal souls it still houses.

Istivin and Malgoth

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, Pgs. 125, 137.

Dungeon Magazine 117
- Touch of the Abyss, Pgs. 45-59.

Dungeon Magazine 118
- Shadows of the Abyss, Pgs. 34-57.

Dungeon Magazine 119
- Wraith of the Abyss, Pgs. 30-57.

Magical Location as Treasure (Dungeon Masters Guide II: Pg. 235-250)

A patch of shadow saturated with the essence of chaos and evil marks the exact location where Malgoth was slain by an alliance of seven Tanar’ri Lords. An excellent ritual sight/consecrated ground for unorthodox wizards, sorcerers, and shadow mage seeking the energies needed to bond themselves to the essence of Obyrith.

Descriptors: Chaos, Demonic, Evil, Shadow

Clerics and Favored Ones can tap into this particular area if they have particualr access to these Domains.

The Arc of Eternity

The 359th Layer of the Abyss
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, Pg. 128 Subsection: Thanatos.

I like the domain name and the demon-lord’s aspiring a jaunt into divinity. A “haunted” layer of the Abyss, could this mean that emanations of Tanar’ri and mortal alike slain on this plane somehow manifest on the realm of Eldanoth.

Snakes (fiendish) and Manes being two of the dominate inhabitants along with a variety of Undead.

Undead possibly dissatisfied with the rule of Orcus, thus defeating to this realms for “greener” pastures.

Makes me wonder if not all slain demons are absorbed into the primorial foundations of this chaotic plane. Mortal spirits may not be able to journey into the afterlife as the nature of the Abyss and the whims of Eldanoth prevent them from doing so.

The possibility of fiendish and half-fiendish ghosts, specters, wraiths, and all manner of incorporeal undead and half-fiend/Revenants bound by the nature of the Abyss. Hate and murder victims play a dominant theme in Eldanoth’s codex and unmoral bible.

The Ulgurshek Orifice

One known Orifice entrance, on the 66th Layer of the Abyss, inside Demonweb Pits of Lolth

The 92nd Layer of the Abyss - Ulgurshek

- Demonic Traits: Acid Resistances – Anything living inside the 92nd layer must be fully resistant to acid or it dies not survive.
- Demonic “White Blood” Cells acts as the ancient creatures immune system.
- Demonic tape worms – Colossal in size, girth and nearly endless in length. Begins a proposed write-up.
- Demonic Parasites – breeding ground and all fully resistant to acid damage and acid based attacks.

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, Pgs. 126.

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