RPG Series: An Infusion of Feats

By Kristofer Sage
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Light Sleeper
Prerequisites: Listen 5 ranks, Alertness or Skill Focus (Listen)
Benifit: You can make Listen checks normally. In addition, if you have slept in the same place for more than 2 or 3 resting periods, you gain a +6 circumstance bonus to that Listen check.
Normal: You make listen checks at a -10 penalty.

Spell Empowerment (Metamagic)
Prerequisites: Arcane Caster level 5
Benifit: You can sacrafice a number of spell of any level. The number of spells you are allowed to sacrafice is equal to your Int bonus. For every spell you sacrafice, you increase the difficulty of one spell that you cast this round (The spell empowered spell) for one point per level of the spell sacraficed. If you get rid of multiple spells, the effects stack. For example, Orosoth, a 12th level Enchanter, desperately needs to succeed on a Charm Monster vs a large Ogre which seems to be immune to damage. His normal spell DC is 21 (10+4th level spell+Greater Spell Focus (Enchant)+Int Mod 5). To make his spell more powerful, he sacrafices a Fireball (3rd lv spell), Charm Person (1st lv) Cat's Grace (2nd lv) and Dimension Door (4th level). His spell DC increases by 10, making the DC 31.
Special: Wizards can take this as a bonus feat at 5th, 10th, 15th, or 20th level.

Skill Training
Prerequisites: None
Benifit: You gain one skill on the skill list as a Class Skill

Shield Rebuke
Prerequisites: Fighter level 10, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization (Heavy), Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Combat Expertise
Benifit: If the opponent you have selected with your Dodge feat makes an attack against you while you are using full Combat Expertise (have turned all of your base attack bonus into AC bonus) you may make one attack against his flat footed AC at your full attack bonus. If you hit, you knock him off balance and stun him for 2 rounds.

Formation Breaker
Prerequisites: Fighter level 5, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, str 15
Benifit: You are skilled at using your brawn to move opposition where you desire them.Using this feat, you initiate a Forced Movement. Your foe must now make an opposed Str check, and if he fails, he is moved 5 feet in any position relative towards you. If you chose to push him into an occupied square, the person already in the square is allowed a DC 14 Reflex save to move out of the square in time. If there is no room, both fall prone. Regardless, if the target of a Forced Movement fails his Str check, he is granted a Balance check. If he succeeds, he is forced into that square. If he fails, he falls prone in that square. Like with Bull Rush, a character can choose to do this without choosing this feat, but he provokes an attack of opportunity.
Special: A fighter can choose this as a bonus feat.

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +1, Dex 15, Int 13
Benifit: When wielding a one handed martial weapon, you gain a +1 to Attack and AC due to your skill at fighting efficiently. You must have nothing in your off hand.

Improved Duelist
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6, Dex 17, Int 15
Benifit: When wielding a one handed martial weapon, you gain a +2 Attack and AC. You must have nothing in your off hand.

Master Duelist
Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +11, Dex 19, Int 15
Benifit: When wielding a one handed martial weapon, you gain a +3 Attack and AC. You must have nothing in your off hand.

Master of Knowledge
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Any one) 8 ranks
Benifit: When you make Knowledge checks, you roll 2d20 and take the better of the two rolls.
Special: You can get this only once. Your character should reflect in his gameplay his favoratism of talking about that subject, be it Knowledge (tactics), you might constantly refer to everything in militaristic jargon and ask in times of doubt, 'what would this great leader do?'

Slashing Dervish
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Any one slashing weapon), Weapon Spec (Any one slashing weapon), Fighter level 12
Benifit: When you hit with a slashing weapon, you can forfeit your strength bonus to damage to deal a bleeding arterial wound which weakens a foe and hamers his movement. He bleeds an amount of damage equal to your strength bonus for a number of rounds equal to half your character level. Multiple hits do not stack.
Special: A fighter can select this as a bonus feat.

Fiendish Wailer
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Any one bludgeoning weapon, Weapon Spec (Any one bludgeoning weapon) Fighter level 12
Benifit: When you hit a foe twice or more with your Full Attack option, he must make a Fortitude save DC equal to your character level + Strength bonus. Should he fail, he is stunned for a number of rounds equal to your Str bonus.

Brutal Chopper
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Any one two handed chopping weapon), Weapon Spec (Any one two-handed chopping weapon) Fighter level 12, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Benifit: You can sacrafice your Full Attack option for a single attack at your Full attack bonus. You must Power Attack for at least -2. If you hit, you can make a special second roll, also at the same attack bonus. If this hits, you dismember one of your opponents limbs. During this round and the following 2 rounds, you lose your Dex bonus to AC and also take a -2 to AC.

Vicious Stabber
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Any one one handed stabbing weapon), Weapon Spec (Any one one handed stabbing weapon) Fighter level 12
Benifit: You can sacrafice the damage from one hit to inflict a paralytical strike to your opponent that paralyzes him for 3 rounds.

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