RPG Series - Chance Encounters - The Medusa Enclave

Horrified, Kyra Hillsfar throws up her arm to avoid the gaze of the thrice cursed god-spawned monstrosity. Unlike her younger brother, her strength and skill with the sword does not his swift reflexes. Too slow and too late, the hissing monstrosity locks its eyes onto hers.

"Turn your eyes away," shouts Deven Stewart!

The sensation of time explicitly slows and the light from her perspective grows dark for the young warrior-maiden. Frozen in hard stone for all eternity, her expression, one of vocal apprehension, fails to escape her throat. Her last cry drifts away, fading in the corridors of this accursed dungeon.

"By Tyr. No!" The cleric cries. Tightening his grip on his warhammer and raising his shield to avoid her gaze Deven swings wide towards the medusa's snake entwined head but scores a hit against her collar bone.

There is a loud 'snap' as her collar born splits in twin.

Usha lets out a chilling hiss, agony on her face, she slithers around the pillar and attempts to climb it using her remaining strength.

Deven swings again and misses. His blow strikes a section the pillar and splits a chunk of red stone off its surface.

Suddenly, between the darken pillars, a single arrow flies across the room ands strikes Deven in his upper left chest. Before he could reach and remove the implement, a beam of arcane energy strikes Deven dead on in his sternum. Rolling with a loud clap of thunder, Deven finds himself flying across the chamber and landing graciously into several statues, all earlier victims of the Medusa Pack.

His sudden velocity cut short as he impales himself on one the statue's raised longsword. Piercing his armor as he slam onto the implement, he lands backward with his weight and momentum toppling and shattering several statues as he comes to rest.

Coughing up blood, his eyes roll in a lackluster daze. His life it seems is drawing to its conclusion.

Orra slithers towards the dying cleric, and gazes down upon him. No health to avoid his gaze, Deven Stewart stiffens, his body transforming into lifeless stone with his death throes locked forever.

"Magics, my sisters, magics," one hissed menacingly. Once our husband returns from the Zulkirs, he will shatter his remains and we will feast.

"Save that one points," Ura the third medusa. "I like her red hair. I want her in our gallery with the halfling who attempted to swindle me and with the Drow Wilder and his illithid mentor."

"What of the wizard?" questioned Avva. "He will want their flesh for his own purposes."

"He have what we will give him or he will join the others in our gallery," hissed Orro. "Now sisters, I have need of a healing draught."

Kyra Hillsfar
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race/Sex: Human Female
Class: Fighter
Levels: 03
Str: [-16-][+03], Int: [-14-][+02], Wis: [-13-][+01], Dex: [-12-][+01], Con: [-17-][+03], Cha: [-15-][+02]
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Critical, Acrobatic, Athletic, Dodge,
Apprentices(?): No
Weapons and Equipment
Breastplate +1, Small Shield +1, Long Sword Bane Weapon vs. Monstrous Humanoids +1, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Haste, Potion of Darkvision
Notes: Born an orphan on the streets of the city that bears her surname, Kyra grew from a scrawny street waif into a strong and beautiful women with able fighting and some would say accomplished skills. Fearless, but not overly cautious, she was warned time and again not to underestimate the abilities or cunning of her opponents, especially the inhuman variety. Kyra will awaken from her encounter with the medusa pack, but at the cost of several friends. She will endeavor the folly of two more roadblocks in life. One will change her destiny. Kyra, if she is afraid, it is of two things. She fears being alone and prefers the company of friends. Second, she fears poverty and spends a great deal of time defending the downtrodden and impoverished. Especially those who would prey on them.

Deven Stewart
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race/Sex: Aasimar Male
Class: Favored One of Tyr
Levels: 03
Spell Level/Number: 0/4, 1st/3+1, 2nd/2+1
Str: [-16-][+03], Int: [-15-][+02], Wis: [-18-][+04], Dex: [-13-][+01], Con: [-13-][+01], Cha: [-17-][+03]
Feats: Improved Critical, Still Spell
Apprentices(?): No.
Weapons and Equipment
Warhammer of Impact +1, Plate Mail +1, Wand of Aid [19 Charges], Wand of Cure Light Wounds [27 Charges]
Notes: An attractive and angelic physique, handsome in appearance but stern in voice and contemptuous of lawbreakers. Rumor says that his mother was a host during the Avatar Crisis. It’s widely believe his mother was a Valkyrie.

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