RPG Series 3.5 Revised: Xakhotah - Sentinel of the Palace of Atzenteolt

Sentinel at the Palace of Atzanteotl
Emissary of the Frenzied Jungle
Demoness from Green Hell

“She is the fury of Demogorgon! She is his teeth! You have been warned!”

Notes: When disaster destroyed the merchant fleet and sent her family to their deep ocean deaths, a fair-skinned red-haired child clung to driftwood and found herself washed ashore in a mysterious tropical land of violence and bloodshed. The six-year orphan of a wealthy ocean-faring mercantile family was discovered quite by accident by the high priest of Atzanteotl on one of their ritual dinosaur hunts. Fascinated by the child’s red hair, Tamochachan, in a moment of religious conviction, accepted the orphan and believed she was delivered by his godly patron. Naming her Xahkhotah [literal translation: fire from the sea], he raised her in his inner circle of advisors and adjacent priests.

As the years passed, Xahkhotah shed her fears and nightmares until her learned to draw strength and anger from them. From a scared lost child, she blossomed into a fierce warrior, but as an anointed godchild. However, without a religious proclamation, she was under the protection of the priests of the temple of dying Atzanteotl. That day would soon come her time to train in the Pits of the Teeth drew near. As her physical attributes developed, the Raptors of Atzan trained Xahkhotah in their dinosaur ritual hunts and skills in the arts of war and jungle. Tomachachan, having lived a long life with no daughters or sons of his own, would soon pass the honor of rulership onto her. Tomachachan was to bequeath the title empress (as it was his divine right) in a ceremony that would transform her into a defiler of Ka. All she needed to do and succeed was to capture a dinosaur and slaughter it in the prescribed ritual. The merit in her courage would entitle her to the Obsidian Throne.

There is deception in the motivation behind the Obsidian Throne for Tamochachan alone knows the truth. He is an Ur-Priest. All his rituals, blessings, divine visions were stolen through theft and subterfuge. The true faith of Atzanteotl had dwindled to a few hundred devotees and any remaining rituals they practiced. The ritual he guarded exclusively was called the Tchaltilka. It is divine process of transforming humanoid warriors into saurian-bequeathed champions of war and fearless bloodshed. Tomochachan’s crowning achievement would lead to the rebirth of his civilization with fresh blood while he would influence its development behind the throne. He eventually he would cannibalize slumbering Atzanteotl on the astral plane and use the energies to ascend to godhood. However, his rival enemies, the Holy Empire of Xoxlt sickened his blasphemy and by his wholesome slaughter of dinosaurs and other saurians struck first with relentless effect.

Now branded now as a degenerative culture and desperate for their survival on the verge of extinction, Tomochachan’s plans were on the verge of collapse. The feathered serpent steeds of the Holy Xoxtl Empire began and purified the taint corrupting the lands of the Obsidian Throne with their very breath. Their holy exhalations were spreading and dissolving anything chaotic, corrupted, and evil. The first initial strikes did sufficient damage to remaining followers and the nobility of the Obsidian Throne. Desperate, Tomachachan used the last of his nation’s resources to call forth creatures from the Abyss in an effort to crush their enemies. The Ur-Priest unleashed more than he bargained for.

Sensing the waning energies of a lost deity more than answering a summons for help, an aspect of Demogorgon arrived through a planar gate and onto the lands of the Obsidian throne. The duel-headed Prince of Demons assessed the situation with the twin minds of detached logic mixed with brutal cunning. What he found impressed him. A region of the Prime Material Plane rich in savage life with a diverse array of species endless in its efforts to thrive and destroy. Secondly through Tomachachan, a means of converting humanoids into saurian-like hybrids. The Tchaltika was a perfect tool for infiltrating human and elven-based cultures he so richly despised. Using deception, he convinced gating more demons would be beneficial to Tomochachan’s long term plans. The high priest, looking for the quickest solution to his crisis was desperate for a deal and a resolution. The demons did descend and drove the army of Holy Xoxtl from the lands of the Obsidian Throne. Demogorgon’s small but effective force drove them back to their own boarders.

Tomachachan’s death was to seal the pact between the Demon Prince and himself. He did indeed perish in the onslaught between demons and rival holy warriors, but he had prepared well in advance. He arose as a lich in the service of Demogorgon. Tomochachan’s remaining priests and any of the surviving populace were enslaved and used as breeding stock to replenish the Empire of the Obsidian Throne. All save Xahkhotah. His daughter, her off-color hair, and the willful defiance towards the Prince of Demons caught the attention of Demogorgon’s four eyes. He saw something in her worth exploiting, a bloodline of chaos, a guardian, a sentinel, and a perhaps the mother prototype. Her knowledge of the Tchaltilka ritual would advantageously serve him, as would the knowledge of fauna of this region. Its dinosaurs and other savage beasts would enhance his armies in the Abyss and other worlds aboard. Within days, as confirmed by the Pact, Tomachachan submerged his only daughter and heir into the Blood Pools of Sundering Ka. This time, the ritual would include essence from the Abyss. She arose from the pool of Blood, feral, savage, and less than human, but something greater. Time and training on the Abyss would harden her into a murderous adversary. She became his thrall and ardent follower on this world.

Xahkhotah now guards the Blood Pools of Sundering Ka. She watches the lich-priest protect the red ichor with necromantic magics and abyssal energies. And he has converted much of the Lands of the Empire into a massive reservation and other breeding pens for the purpose of birthing the dinosaurs necessary for The Tchaltika’s unholy existance. The again vigorous empire of the Obsidian Throne rules from its temple compiled city-state atop a mountainous plateau. Tomachachan, now a lich and a steward to his adopted daughter initiates these profane processes in the name of Demogorgon to creates more Ka-Tainted creatures in the name of his master. With the backing of his divine patron, the Obsidian Throne is on the rise again as a powerful nation and undeservingly as an offshoot of humanity.

Xahkhotah is a trained warrior and guerilla fighter. She will use the terrain and hit-n-run tactics to their best effects against the enemies of Demogorgon. Then she will rely on her swordsmanship, her poison blood and touch attacks for close quarter combat. She’ll use her gaze weapon if she is cornered or as a last resort.

As of all Thralls of Demogorgon, Xahkhotah is two personalities conflicted in one body. One is aggressive, confrontational, and feral, like a lost child, wild yet intelligent, but grossly lacking human socialization. A relentless butcher revealing in the senseless bloodsheding of beasts, man, and women alike. She is the beast that consumes the heart in the ceremony of conflict. She drinks the proverbial blood of her enemies when the battle is finished. The second personality is calculating, strategic, protective, and seeks to dominate all those who defy the will of Demogorgon. She is a guardian of evil and will use any method, overt or covert to achieve her goals.

Ranger/Fighter/Thrall of Demogorgon
Levels: 03/04/09
Experience Points: 192,675
ECL: +4
Race/Sex: Augmented [Ka-Tainted Template] Human Female
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Type: Medium Humanoid
Init: +04
Aura: Strong Chaos
Languages: Common- Aerth, Common- Azcan, Abyssal, Goblin, Elvish
Apparent Age: 24
Look: Strikingly beautiful human female with long flowing blood red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is reptilian green and scaled like that of a dinosaur or some saurian beast from a lost world.

Abilities: Str 20 [+05], Dex 20 [+05], Con 19 [+04], Int 18 [+04], Wis 18 [+04], Cha 18 [+04]
Feats (17): Athletic, Blind-Fighting, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Endurance (Class Bonus), Improved Critical, Run, Thrall to Demogorgon, Megaraptor Leap, Predator’s Step, Toughness (Template Bonus), Two Weapon Fighting (Class Bonus), Track (Class Bonus), Weapon Focus (Claws), Willing Deformity
Armor/Shield Check Penalty: -04
Skills: Climb [+15], Concentration [+15], Craft: Weaponsmith [+12], Handle Animal [+14], Heal [+14], Hide [+16], Intimidate [+12], Jump [+16], Knowledge: Architecture [+14], Knowledge: Dungeoneering [+14], Knowledge: Geography [+15], Knowledge: Nature [+14], Knowledge: The Planes [+14], Listen [+16], Move Silently [+14], Profession [+12], Ride [+14], Search [+14], Sense Motive [+14], Speak Language [01], Spot [+16], Survival [+16], Swim [+15], Use Rope [+10]
Action Points: 14 [1d6]

AC: 25/19, flat-footed 21/20, touch 20/20
(armor=04, shield=00, dex=03, size=00, natural=03[02], bonus=05)
HP: 158 [3d10 + 4d8 + 9d8 + 64 + 03]

Fort: +17, Reflex: +12, Will: +12
Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares)
Special Moves: None
Base Attack: +21; Grapple: +26
Weapon Set: Martial Weapon Proficiencies
Magic Weapons: Long Sword +4 Consumptive Keen Edge weapon, Unholy Long Sword +4 Keen Edge weapon, Unholy Dagger +3 Shattermantle, Unholy Dagger +3 Brilliant Keen Edge

+21/+16/+11/+06/+01; Ranged: +21/+16/+11/+06/+01; Str Dmg Bonus: +05
Glamered Scale Mail, Moderate Fortification +04
Medallion of Thoughts
Glove of Storing [Contains a Ring of Feather Falling]
Rod of Rulership
Hand of Glory donned with a Ring of Elemental Command [Air]
Ring of Force Shield
Ring of Chameleon Power
Ioun Stone, Lavender and Green
Ioun Stone, Pearly White Spindle
Hideaway Long Bow of Distance +3
Quiver, 36 Anarchic Arrows of Seeking +2

Special Abilities
Ka-Tainted Creature Template (Deinonychus)
Attribute Bonuses/Penalties: +04 Str, -02 Int, +02 Con
Attack: Two Claw Attacks 1d4+4/1d4+4/+16 With the fiendish creature template, her claws are treated as magical weapons for the purpose of over coming damage reduction.
Blood of Ka (Su): The blood of a Ka-tainted creature is corrupted in the Tchaltilka ritual, becoming viscous and poisonous. Xakhotah’s blood acts as a contact poison (DC 22 = 10 + ½ HD + Con Modifier) that deals initial and secondary damage of 1d6 intelligence and 1d4 constitution. Xakhotah often coats her weapons with her own blood. Additionally, those deal damage to a Ka-tainted creature with non-reach handheld weapons or natural weapons that deal with slashing or piercing damage are exposed to her poisonous blood. Her blood loses potency and become harmless 24 hours after it leaves her body. She is immune to her to the effects of her own blood, but not from the blood of other Ka-tainted creatures.
Deinonychus: +02 racial bonus to Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival Checks.
Low-light Vision (Ex): Xakhotah possesses a range of 60 ft.
Natural Armor Class Bonus: +02
Scent (Ex): Xakhotah gains the scent ability. This extraordinary ability lets a creature detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. A creature with the scent ability can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at three times these ranges. The creature detects another creature’s presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scent’s source, the creature can pinpoint that source. A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10. The DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights. Water, particularly running water, ruins a trail for air-breathing creatures. Water-breathing creatures that have the scent ability, however, can use it in the water easily. False, powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils the ability to properly detect or identify creatures, and the base Survival DC to track becomes 20 rather than 10.

Half-Fiend Template
Armor Class Bonus: +01
Attribute Bonuses/Penalties: +04 Str, +04 Dex, +02 Con, +04 Int, +02 Cha
Attack: Two Claw Attacks 1d4+5/1d4+5/+16 - With the fiendish creature template, her claws are treated as magical weapons for the purpose of over coming damage reduction.
Darkvision: 60 ft.
Damage Reduction: 10/magic
Immunity: Poison [except Ka-tainted poison]
Smite Good (Su): +16
Spell-Like Abilities: Darkness, Detect Magic, Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, 3/Day – CL 16. Blasphemy, Demoncall , Contagion, Shout, Truesight, Unholy Blight - 1/Day – CL16.
Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire: 10
Spell Resistance: 26

Thrall of Demogorgon Prestige Class Abilities
Bonus Feats: 3
Death Touch (Su): As a thrall of Demogorgon, Xahkhotah can use an effect identical to that of slay living once per day. The fortitude save DC to avoid death is 23.
Duel Actions (Su): Twice per day, Xakhotah can take two full round actions in the same round.
Hypnosis (Su): Once per day, Xakhotah can produce an effect identical to hypnotism spell, except it functions as a gaze attack with a range of 30 ft. The Will save to resist this effect is 23.
Reaching Touch (Su): Three times per day, Xakhotah can cause her arms to stretch unnaturally like tentacles, providing her an extra feet of reach for 1 round.
Rotting Touch (Su): Three times per day, Xakhotah can deal 1d6 points of constitution damage as a touch attack.
Scaly Flesh (Ex): Natural Armor Class Bonus +03
Summon Minor and Major Demons (Sp): Xakhotah can summon a demon of 7 HD or less twice per day. This ability is the equivelent of a 7th level spell. This spell function as a summon monster spell cast by a 15th level caster. Xakhotah prefers to summon elemental demons or demonically infused elementals to do her bidding or an occasional succubus of incubus on those warm summer nights.
Touch of Fear (Su): Three times per day, Xakhotah can cause a creature he strikes with a touch attack to become frightened for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will save negates the fear, but the creature is shaken for one round. The Will save to resist this effect is 23.
Two Personas (Ex): Xakhotah has developed a multiple personality disorder that has the side effect of allowing her multiclass freely with no experience point penalties. In addition, whenever the character is subject to a mind-effecting attack that allows a saving throw, she makes two saving throws. Both must fail in order for the mind-affecting effect to affect her.


Player’s Handbook, Third Edition Revised.
Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
Dragon Magazine 315, “Hollow World: Sundering Ka,” Pg.22-26.
Dragon Magazine 357, “The Demonomicon of Iggwilv – Demogorgon: Prince of Demons,” Pg. 20-32.

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