RPG Series 3.5 Revised - The Graveyard of Dead Gods - Addendum

The Astral Plane: The Divine, The Fallen, and The Graveyard of the Gods: Addendum - The Domains of Fallen Gods

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: destruction, annihilation, dissolution
Domains: Chaos, Deathbound, Destruction, Evil, Fire
Holy Symbol: A starburst exploding in all directions
Weapon: Morning Star

Beararak the Deviser
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: history, chronology, calligraphy, geography, lost knowledge, keeper of secrets, forgotten languages
Domains: Knowledge, Mysticism, Rune, Time
Holy Symbol: A three-prong rune pointing in all directions
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Valkiira the Angelic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: courage, skill-at-arms, souls (the collection of), the afterlife
Domains: Courage, Glory, Repose, War
Holy Symbol: A clear globe resting in the palm of a feminine hand
Weapon: Long Sword, Bastard Sword, or Great Spear

Zhakautha the Devouring Maw
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: hunger, starvation, dark knowledge, undeath (ghouls, ghasts, vampires)
Domains: Darkness, Deathbound, Evil, Gluttony
Holy Symbol: A fanged maw gripping a gnawed bone
Weapon: Club, Footman's Mace

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: expression (drama), wilders, good favors, half-breeds, blood-endowed inheritance
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Mentalism, Mind, Nobility
Holy Symbol: A crossed dagger and rapier against an unrolled document
Weapon: Long Sword, Rapier, Short Sword, and Dagger

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: athleticism, civilization (Sumeria/Babylon cultures), law, tyranny, war
Domains: Evil, Law, Tyranny, War
Holy Symbol: A lammasu bearing his facial likeness
Weapon: Heavy Mace, Heavy Scepter, Great Club

Alignment: Lawful Evil (Lawful Neutral)
Portfolio: chivalry, defense, guardians, perception, the five senses, vigilance
Domains: Courage, Law, Protection, Strength
Holy Symbol: A circle of swords of even number alternating
Weapon: Battle Axe, Bastard Sword

Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: music, romance, love, good health
Domains: Charm, Good, Healing, Protection
Holy Symbol: A pair of twining blossoming roses
Weapon: Punch Dagger, Dagger, Whip

Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: agriculture, the earth, nature, the sky, water
Domains: Air, Animal, Balance, Plant, Water
Holy Symbol: A circle affixed with three elements in balance
Weapon: Khopesh Sword, Sickle, Spear

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: rot, corruption, enmity (towards elves)
Domains: Abyss, Chaos, Evil, Darkness, Plant, Undeath
Holy Symbol: An open hand with an open fanged maw firmly in the center
Weapon: Dagger

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: War, Courage, self-sacrifice
Domains: Courage, Good, Law, War
Holy Symbol: A fist clutching three spears
Weapon: Bastard Sword, Heavy Mace, Battle Axe, Long Bow

Sebek the Many Teeth
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Rivers, Crocodiles, Amphibians
Domains: Animal, Evil, Hunger, Water
Holy Symbol: An open crocodile mouth
Weapon: None

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: scorpions, poison, madness, spite
Domains: Animal (insects only), Evil, Hatred, Madness
Holy Symbol: A scorpion's stinger piercing a skull
Weapon: Short Sword

Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Divination, The Moon, the Stars, the benign night
Domains: Good, Magic, Moon, Mysticism, Oracle
Holy Symbol: A feminine face superimposed over the full moon
Weapon: Quarterstaff

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