D20 Series - "The Wall"

Amanda "The Wall" Waller

For the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

Real Name: Amanda Blake Waller
Nationality: American, African-Descent
Alignment: Lawful Neutral [Bureaucrat]
Legal Status: An American citizen with two criminal records, but pardoned on both incidents. Waller also has international citizenship in the caribbean and granted diplomatic immunity from the United States. In effect, she is an ambassador-at-large.
Base Power Level: [-09-] – Unlimited Power Level/Power Points
Group Affiliation: Currently employed by the Department of Extra-Normal Operations of United States of America and is the operational head of Task Force X (aka the Suicide Squad) serving under the current president of the United States, Former Secretary of Meta-Human Affairs uner Luthor's Presidential Administration, and Former Queen and Operational Director of Checkmate.

Str: [-14-][+02]
Int: [-17-][+04]
Wis: [-16-][+04]
Dex: [-14-][+02]
Con: [-15-][+02]
Cha: [-18-][+05]
Toughness: [+02]
Fortitude: [+02]
Reflex: [+02]
Will: [+04]
Insight: [+02]
Stability: [+05]
Points: [-58-]

None, it’s not beyond Waller’s approach to use technology and devises impounded by Federal and State agents of law enforcement. She has one occasion used the Thinker’s “Thinking Helmet” and the “Psycho Pirate’s Medusa Mask. She also carried personal firearms when the Suicide Squad operated as a mercenary outfit. It is quite possible that she will have some sort of escape devise (i.e. Mirror Master’s Dimensional Guns) or other contingency (or three) ready if her life is in jeopardy.

Nano-Tech Control Interface
Device 15 [Drawbacks: Fade – Must Replenish Nano-Supply, Extras: Effortless, Instant Command, Microscopic, Feats: Alternate Powers x2 – Mind Control 15, Stun 12, Mental Link, Subtle, Flaw: Easy to Loose: -2R, Limited Command Protocols] Power Packaging: All Linked
Points: [-46-]

If all resource methods fail, then use Device 10 [Drawbacks: Power loss- Cost 1/R, Flaw: Easy to Loose] and substitute the necessary powers with 50-100 attribute points. Waller prefers mental or emotional manipulation based devises over ranged-weapon devices.
Points: [-00-]

Bluff [+06], Computers [+05], Concentration [+05], Diplomacy [+10], Disable Devise [+05], Drive [+05], Gather Information [+10], Intimidate [+09], Investigate [+10], Knowledge: Bureaucracy [+08], Knowledge: Civics [+08], Knowledge: Current Events [+08], Knowledge: Federal Government [+08], Knowledge: International Law [+08], Knowledge: Military Science [+08], Knowledge: Political Science [+08], Knowledge: Streetwise [+08], Notice [+05], Pilot [+05], Profession [+10], Reasearch [+10], Search [+05], Sense Motive [+10], Sleight of Hand [+05]
Points: [-22-][-88 Ranks-]

Benefit: Diplomatic Immunity, Benefit: Security Clearance, Connected, Contacts, Leadership, Ranged-Melee Weapons (Hand Guns/Fire Arms), Second Chance, Simple Melee Weapons, Well-Informed
Points: [-09-]

Attack +03 (Melee), +07 (Ranged)
Grapple +04
Unarmed +04 (Unarmed)
Defense +08
Initiative +04
Points: [-21-]

Weapons and Equipment
What she can obtain through legal channels within the United States government and its Federally appointed bureaucracies. This includes weaponry, armaments, costumes, non-combative technologies, labor, paroled manpower, and information, both public and classified. With the proper wrok crew, she can make modifications to existing technology.

To insure Squad loyalty and mission compliance, an explosive implant is shackled to each member of the Squad. It is attached their left wrist and activated during squad missions. The bracelet generates an electric charge, a warning, if the agent “wanders” off for the assigned parameters of the mission. The second time it explodes taking his arm with it.

Explosive Bracelet
Devise 15 [Drawbacks: Hard to Loose, Feat: Alternate Powers x2, Blast 15, Stun 01, Flaws: Compliance Devise, Explosive charge]

Point Total: [-146-]

Notes: Her abridged history can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Waller
The Suicide Squad - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_Squad
Cosmic Teams: http://www.mykey3000.com/cosmicteams/cosmic/index.html

Suicide Squad, Amanda Waller
© DC Comics 2007.

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