D20 Series - Grip of Death


For the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

Real Name: Lester “Les” Buchinsky
Nationality: American
Alignment: Neutral Evil [Mercenary/Hit-Man]
Legal Status: Lester Buchinsky is an American citizen with criminal records in armed robbery, attempted murder, manslaughter, murder in the first and second degrees, extortion, racketeering, the use of unsanctioned meta-human abilities, resisting arrest, and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution
Group Affiliation: Suicide Squad, Sometime partner with the Cluemaster, Partner with Plastique
Base Power Level: [-09-] – Unlimited Power Level/Power Points

Str: [-18-][+04]/[-22-][+06]
Int: [-12-][+01]
Wis: [-12-][+01]
Dex: [-16-][+03]
Con: [-20-][+05]
Cha: [-15-][+02]
Point Total: [-33-]

Saving Throws
Toughness: [+10]
Insight: [+04]
Will: [+04]
Reflex: [+06]
Fortitude: [+05]/[+08] vs. Electricity
Stability: [+03]
Point Total: [-14-]

Damage: [+04]/[+06]
Defense: [+08]
Grapple: [+08]
Initiative: [+08]
Melee Attack: [+08]
Range Attack: [+05]
Point Total: [-41-]

Acrobatic [+07], Climb [+08], Concentration [+08], Disable Device [+08], Escape Artist [+08], Gamble [+05], Intimidate [+08], Knowledge: Electrical Engineering [+06], Notice [+06], Profession: Electrical Engineer [+06], Repair [+07], Search [+06], Sense Motive [+06], Stealth [+07]
Points: [-17-][-Rank: 68-]

Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Ambidexterity, Attack Specialization - Strike [+02], Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll [+01], Die Hard, Dodge Focus [+02], Evasion, Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack [+02]
Points: [-19-]

Electrical Control 04 [Drawback: Reduced Range -5ft, Feats: Alternate Powers x4, Drain Electricity, Electrical Aura, Redirect Energy, Stun, Flaw: Standard Action, Limited – Needs an open or available source of electricity]

Bio-Augmentation Package [Feats: Alternate Powers x4, Enhanced Strength 04, Enhanced Fortitude 03, Protection 06Drawback: tweaked bio-chemistry - saves vs. electrical attacks only, Super Strength 04Drawback: Lifting Strength only] Power Packaging: All Linked
Points: [-17-]

Weapons and Equipment
Other than his gauntlets and protective uniform, the Electrocutioner replies on no other weaponry and equipment. This, however, does no say he would another device or weapon in combat. The Electrocutioner is capable of improving when the need arises.

Device: Electro-Gauntlets 10 [Drawback: Noticeable, Reduced Range –1, Feats: Alternate powers x2, Blast 10, Strike 10, Flaws: Weak Point x1: Conductivity] Power Packaging: All Linked
Points: [-30-]

Villain Points: [-11-]
Total: [-171-]

Notes: Lester overly relies on his electrical abilities to defeat his enemies and assigned targets. The Electrocutioner prefers close-quarter combat to overpower his opponents then delivers a variable charge of electricity to either disable or eliminate his opponent.

Lester is a creative thinker, but more of a henchmen or partner. His skills and other cognitive attributes are geared towards improving his formidable martial arts or improving his electro-gauntlets. He is often seen partnered with other villains or criminals and lets the team-leader or criminal mastermind to planning and strategy. Lester prefers contract murder or mob-sanctioned hits to supplement his income, but in some circumstances, he has performed armored heists or larceny. Lester is a trained electrical engineer and through falsified identities obtains legal work in this field. Often, to get close to an intended hit. Lester is a mid-level inventor. He can easily replicate the design of his gauntlets, provided the correct materials and replacement parts.

Costumed heroes or other villains do not easily intimidate Lester. He is smart enough to know when he is out-classed.

© DC Comics, 2007.

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