D20 Series - Vibranium Guns

Vibranium Guns [Melting Guns]

For the Mutants and Mastermind 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

First devised by the criminal genius Bruno Horgan who later becomes the Melter, Vibranium guns are a latent modification using its namesake as a power core to provide the effects it needs to liquid most ferrous and carbon based metals or alloys. It’s original inventor, Bruno Horgan used similar technology to sabotage Stark industries. However, after several defeats from Iron Man and the Avengers, was murdered by the Scourge of the Underworld. His equipment, blueprints, and technologies were confiscated and later impounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. and procured through legal contracts by Stark Industries.

Recently, Bruno’s son, Jackson Horgan sought with the evidence of a legally recognized last will won a significant legal case against Stark Industries. Ordered by the courts, Stark had his company turn over all significant blueprints and written material used in the fabrication of his father’s invention. With financial backing from Wakanda and Atlantis, Jackson, a small-scale industrialist and chemical manufacturer began producing a limited number of functional industrial models for use in metallic recycling and chemical separation. Eventually, he branched out into environmental and disaster clean-up operations.

Jackson, himself turned to part-time heroics to defeat a pair of thieves, one called the Blank and his partner, who stole an experimental “Melter Harness” then used it to rob banks along the North and Southern cities of the US/Canadian boarder.

He, currently, through the Thunderbolts program has employed Asp, Jacqueline Trafaut, Quicksand, Vibro, Sybil “Skein” Dvorak, Abraham “Mach IV” Jenkins, Paul Norbert “The Fixer” Ebersol, and Peter “The Trapster” Petruski.

Device 10 [Drawback: Power Loss, Rare Fuel Source, Feats: Alternate Powers [x2] – Transmutation 10, Flaw: Limited to metallic substances/conversion to a liquid state only, Plasma Control 10 - Alternate Power [x2]: Dazzle, Melt, Improved Range, Extra: Area – Cone, Area - Line, Variable Duration – Reversible] Power Packaging: All Linked

Base Cost: 7/R+1 - 4/R - 2/R+2
Prerequisites: Knowledge [Engineering] 10, Knowledge [Physics] 10, Base Score: Devise 11
Total Cost: [-72-] = [-144/02-]
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

Marvel Universe - Melter
Wikipedia - Melter

Melter and all other characters are copyrighted or trademarked to Marvel Comics.

© Marvel

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