Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Blue Sword

Blue Sword
Forged in secret smiths across the Dalelands, Blue swords are Harper magical weapons given to a select few who partake in hostile missions for that semi-secret organization. These missions in particular involve direct combat when all other options fail and more so against agents and superiors of the Cult of the Dragon. Although on three occasions, the blade's particular smiting abilities have been used outside its established parameters. This included the elimination of the Necro-Cult of the Demon-Lord Orcus in Thar in the Year of the Gauntlet (1311 DR). The swords then saw action against minions of the Sand Lich of the Sea of Fallen Stars in the Year of the Cold Soul(1281 DR). Derago, a Harper-Champion of Old, used a Blue Sword quell the flesh-devouring zombie army of the High Ghoul-Cleric of Ghrat of Myrkul in the Year of the Bloody Wave (1194 DR). All events were recorded in Harper diaries and other semi-secret archives.

The flat of the blade is a deep metallic blue hue and is left absent of rune or other distinguishing marks. Blue swords never chip, nick, or bears any scratches along its blade. It's enchantments magic are geared toward fighters, rangers and barbarians, mostly do to its keen edge and vicious abilities. A few Blue Swords have appeared briefly in the hands of sellswords, mercenary companies, and gladiators of Zhentil Keep and other Drow cities of the Underdark. The Matriarchs of Lolth often leave these weapons to house weaponmasters when dealing with the agents and minions of Kiaransalee. Again these weapons appear briefly in their hands before Harper acquisition agents retrieve them.

Blue Swords are +2 Keen, Vicious, Bane (Undead) weapons that are +4 vs. Dracoliches.

A hidden ability only known to Harper agents can be activated when grasped and patted twice with the flat of the blade against a forearm or hip. Blue Swords bestow Aid (10th Level Ability) upon the wielder once per week. Allow other defensive abjurations, Lesser Restoration and Protection from Energy are known to exist.

Strong Enchantment, Evocation CL: 10th
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Enervation, Summon Monster I, Keen Edge, Aid, Price Bonus +2
Market Price: 52,000 Gp
Cost: 26,000Gp + 2,808 XP

Blue Sword
© Jeffrey Williams 2006, 2007.

Original Content, Dungeon Master's Guide
Core Rule Book II V.3.5
© 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Original Content Author, Ed Greenwood
© 2001, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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