Character Journal - Sisters of Rapture


Hey everyone! After several long years and countless hours, my oh-so-sexy D&D book is finally complete and now available in PDF format for sale at DriveThruRPG! Don’t know what I’m talking about? Read on!

The Sisters of Rapture is an OGL (Open Gaming License, which means d20 3.5 edition) compatible sourcebook written by T.Catt (hey, that’s me!). The 72-page PDF features information on the Sisters of Rapture, an organization of warrior-priestesses dedicated to fighting evil and darkness in the names of the various goddesses of love and beauty, most specifically Aphrodite, Freya and Isis. The book contains a base 20-level class, 4 sexy prestige classes, new spells, feats, magic items and monsters and, of course, lots of brand new erotic fantasy art by T.Catt (hey, that’s me again!), Miravi, Oni, Anthony Carpenter, Thom Chiaramonte and many others! And it can all be yours for only $12.00!

If you’d like to see an exclusive sneak peek, you can download the Chapter 1 preview on the official Sisters of Rapture web-page (generously put together and hosted by my publishing partners on this project, Fantastic Gallery OGL, featured on the new -and mostly incomplete- gaming website, Arcane-Marks.com. Check out their awesome character sheets!). Eventually I plan on having more supplemental stuff on the SoR page, including a T.Catt sketch gallery and an extra prestige class and other fun free stuff. I just need to get it all put together first. Trust me, I’m working on it.

You can also see a preview of the 1st chapter (which features the base class) on the DriveThruRPG product page. So if you’re interested GO BUY IT RIGHT NOW! (Seriously. I need the money.) If you do buy the book, (and you will, because you’re an awesome person with excellent taste), feel free to leave a review on DriveThru’s site (there’s a link on the product page). Given the adult nature of the content, I didn’t submit the book for review with DriveThru’s official reviewers, so I’m counting on y’all to spread the word about it’s awesomeness! So please help me out, there.

As a little incentive, here’s the art from the cover! Thanks, everyone, for your support and I hope you enjoy the book!

A new character class emphasizing the romantic and erotic side of women and adventure. Available only through Drivethru RPG. Free bonus PDFs available through Arcane Marks

Relics of Power
The Golden Tresses of Sif
by Jarrod Camire
From Kobold Quarterly

Aura strong enchantment, strong illusion, strong transmutation; CL 16th
Slot head; Weight 3 lbs


Loki once shorn the golden locks of the beautiful Sif and her husband Donar forced the trickster to have a golden headpiece made to replace the hairs of his beloved wife. This magical wig attaches itself to the wearer’s head and the hairs then grow like real ones, although the owner can change her hairstyle, coloration, and hairs’ length on a whim.

The golden tresses of Sif grant the wearer an enhancement bonus to Charisma of +8 for as long as the headpiece is worn; note that when the character specifically opts for blond hues (ash-blond, flaxen, golden blond, strawberry blond, etc.) the tresses grant an enhancement bonus to Charisma of +10. These magical tresses also greatly improve the effectiveness of a disguise, and this regardless how much the character is changing her appearance (no check modifier to your Disguise check, regardless the age, gender, race, or character’s size you chose to impersonate). Moreover, if you ever impersonate a particular individual, those who know about that person don’t get a bonus on their Perception checks when looking at you except if they intimately know the subject.

The tresses also provide advantages with all the skills that are based on Charisma as follow:

Bluff: Your opponents are blinded by your otherworldly beauty and you always succeed when feinting (for more information on feinting in combat see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Chapter 8).

Diplomacy: Creatures always become friendly in your presence, unless you have taken aggressive actions towards them first. If you ever attack the creature won’t remain friendly of course and won’t fall for the same trick twice.

Handle Animal: All Handle Animal DC checks are lower by a factor of 5 in your case.

Intimidate: Your comeliness is almost alien to some and when you successfully demoralize an opponent the target is stunned instead of shaken.

Perform: When a bard, skald, or any performer rolls a Perform check during a Bardic Performance or else, she receives a +5 circumstance bonus.

Use Magic Device: When a character tries to emulate an alignment, class feature, or race the Use Magic Device checks are lowered by a factor of 5 in that case.

Finally, a lock cut from the golden tresses of Sif looks like gold filaments; a single lock is worth 1 gp, even though the wig cannot produce more than 1d100 gp per day in this fashion. Locks cut after that will turn out to be made of copper instead of gold.

The gold used to fashion the golden tresses of Sif can be melted down only in the forge where the artifact has been originally created, that of the Sons of Ivaldi. If someone ever discovered the scissors used by Loki to cut the genuine hairs of Sif and employed them on the golden tresses the wig would be utterly destroyed.

The Company of the Scarlet Rapture

Sybilathe Firestar



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