RPG Series 3.5 Revised - Abyssal Bound Souls

Abyssal Bound Souls
Demons in particular service to a Demonic Lord, Demonic Prince, or Demonic Queen
From the Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, Pg. 83.

I hit upon a fit of inspiration after looking at a picture from the Fiendish Codex I. I intend to use it as a way of differentiating lower class demons that are in the service a particular demon lord or demon queen. These lower demons take the characteristics of their patron, although not uniformly so. It is the nature of the Abyss after all.

A second version is in the works for Abyssal Bound Souls. This version will be based on Mortal templates.

Alkilith: Demogorgon - Disgusted by even the most savage of Demogorgon's legions, this demon-blob, when utilizing its own mass, spontaneously generates two heads when wishing to communicate to its intended victim or functionaries, or sometimes both.
Armanite: Graz'zt - All Armanites in the employ of Graz'zt are female. All are armored and like to kill demons and mortals alike. No males are known to exist in his Triple Realm.
Armanite: Orcus - All are helmed in the service of the Prince of Undead. Their faces are skeletal and void of flesh and muscle. Their eyes glow with a dark sinister light.
Arrow Demon: Ahazu - In addition to four-arms, all arrow demons in the service of Ahazu have bat-wings and share several physical and anatomical qualities related to a fury bat
Arrow Demon: Skekolah - All are pale white in color with two sets of solid pale blue eyes with one atop the other set. Their arrows are icicle-tipped weapons capable of puncturing the strongest enchantments.
Balor: Demogorgon - Baboon-headed generals, often have twin heads. They are next to each other, fused sideways to each other, or a second head in positioned on the Balor's chest or abdomen.
Balor: Skekolah - Those bound to the Prince of Arctic Waters are ice blue in color and emitted and aura of intense hateful cold. Frost and ice hang from their appendages.
Bloodfiend: Decca - All are battle scarred in the service of the Demon Queen of Ruin. Many wear the broken holy symbol of the temples they have ransacked and destroyed.
Bulezau: Graz'zt - Goat horned and hoved females, as all demonic thralls of Graz'zt, are women.
Chasme: Orcus - All chasme in the service of Orcus have puss-filled swollen sores amidst their bodies that spray and splatter their foul ichor and various times.
Dybbuk: Orcus - These monstrosities have the additional ability to Create Undead as per spell of any body they possess, or course they can do this after they leave its possession. Of course, they leave the body and seek refuge in another inhabited corpse. These creatures carry the motif of Orcus somewhere on their natural forms.
Glabrezu: Fraz-Urb'Luu - Fraz-Urb'luu cultivates many of his services from the discarded souls of rakshasas slain in combat by mortals. All of Fraz'Urb-Luu's Glabrezu possesses feline traits and characteristics (I.E. Cat-like eyes, skin stripes, fur, feline teeth, etc.)
Klurichir: Dagon - These demons in the service of Dagon have no wings, but can leap incredible distances and swim at amazing speeds. Gill slits can be found on the neck of this fearsome outsider and their teeth in both mouth are long and slender like that or carnivorous fish.
Lilitu: Fraz-Urb'Luu - Created by Fraz-Urb'Luu himself. These serve as his special agents in destroying mankind. All Lilitu are practiced sorcerers, illusionists, and shadow casters in his employ. Sadly, these creatures have no faces, save a fanged-filled circular maw. They mimic the face of some woman they have recently slain.
Marilith: Baphomet - All have horn protruding from their foreheads or temporal lobes. Scales are fur-covered.
Marilith: Decca - Scars and lashes of pain ring and writhe across their bodies. Their weapons and armaments are cultivated from the fallen heroes, holy champions, and other paladins across the multiverse. Then they are corrupted in secret rituals known only to Decca and her chosen priests.
Maralith: Obox-Ob - Instead of a serpentine lower torso, Maraliths in the service of Obox-Ob have the lower torso of an armored centipede or a scorpion. The female Maraliths are always larger than their male counterparts and their mariliths counterparts in the service of other demon lords.
Maurezhi: Orcus - all maurezhi, regardless of gender, grow all stark white goatees from their chin and their foreheads are sport long curved goat horns to make their allegiance to the Prince of the Undead.
Molydeus: Baphomet - are bull-headed as compared to being wolf-headed. Molydeus have the uncanny ability to navigate mazes, lairs, and obstacle courses with impeccable ease. Some double with the ranger ability to track over any terrains.
Molydeus: Demogorgon - All Molydeus in the service of Demogorgon have three heads. Twin heads of a Baboon-like creature, to indicate they are servants of the Prince of Demons and the third head for which is a snake or other serpentine animal. Almost all serpentine-like heads come from serpents and snakes indigenous to jungles and tropical climates. They are elite warriors in his service and show no mercy to the enemy.
Nalfeshnee: Ahazu - Although large and bloated, the Seizer makes sure his bureaucratic servants are as bat-like as possible. The Wings of a Nalfeshnee are twenty to thirty feet larger than their non-bounded counterparts.
Nalfeshnee: Zuggtmoy - all bureaucrats are crowned with a large singular mushroom ring. Demons, laughingly and erringly called them shroomheads. Nalfeshnee take pride in their service to the Queen of Fungi and often smashed the offender until it is bloodied senseless, or dead.
Sarrowsworn Demon: Pale Night - Ghost-like apparition with portion of its body that can be clearly seen through and other that can not.
Succubus: Baphomet - Have small bovine horns protruding from there foreheads. All have hooves instead of feet and thick hair growing from the length of their shinbones. All are trained warriors
Succubus: Decca - Cracks and fresh lashes cover the entire length of her body. Her palms have fanged mouths and her breath is hot as a forge.
Succubus: Lolth - Jet-black skin, red eyes, and stalk ivory hair. Many succubi of Lolth are profane beauties and appear in elegant spider silk garments that leave little to the imagination. Male Drow who have earned have a Succubus of Lolth at their beck and call earned the gracious favor from the Queen of Spiders.
Succubus: Obox-Ob - Insect like motifs, especially wings and eyes. Mouths are insect-like. Some succubi have tails with stingers-like appendages, or have stingers in their forearms, palms, or tongues.
Succubus: Orcus - Pale skinned, extremely lean to emaciated, gaunt features that can be concealed via illusion or metamorphic magics. All possess vampire fangs and are capable of draining blood. Succubus in the service of Orcus possess a ravenous appetite, especially for the taste of blood and souls
Succubus: Skekolah - All appears as stark white version of their counterparts with solid ice blue eyes. Their hair color ranges from blonde, to platinum blonde, to ivory white. They can produce coiled tentacles from the folds of their own flesh. Their breath is cold as an arctic wind.
Succubus: Zuggtmoy - Illusions of profane beauty hide the fungal scarred rotting appearance of these demonic thralls. Many succubi bound to Zuggtmoy are capable of sporing hallucinogenic spores from their lungs and wings as a defense mechanism. Some are capable of yellow or brown mold spores as a parting kiss.

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