D20 Series - Shake Them Up!

The Shocker

For the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game

Real Name: Herman Schultz
Nationality: American, Anglo-European
Alignment: Neutral Evil [Reputation/Mercenary]
Legal Status: An American citizen with a criminal record. Herman Schultz alias the Shocker is wanted on several counts of Armed Burglar, Armed Robbery, Arson, Assualt with Intent to Do Bodily Harm, Battery on Federal Officers, Battery with the Use of a Deadly Weapon, Use of Restricted Technology, Breaking and Entering, Kidnapping, Racketeering, Theft, Willful Destruction of Government Property, and Willful Destruction of Private Property
Groups Affiliation: The Sinister Syndicate, The Sinister Six, The Masters of Evil, Partners with Boomerang, The Beetle, Rhino, The Ringer (Leila Davis), Trapster, Hydro-Man, and Speed Demon.
Base Power Level: [-12-] – Unlimited Power Level/Power Points

Str: [-17-][+03]
Int: [-19-][+04]
Wis: [-15-][+02]
Dex: [-13-][+01]
Con: [-14-][+02]
Cha: [-14-][+02]
Toughness: [+04]
Fortitude: [+05]
Reflex: [+04]
Will: [+04]
Insight: [+05]
Stability: [+02]
Points: [-49-]

None, Shocker employs twin gauntlets as his primary weapons. He wears a special designed suit to protect him from the weapon’s discharges.
Points: [-00-]

Climb [+07], Computers [+08], Concentration [+02], Craft: Electrical [+08], Craft: Mechanical [+08], Disable Device [+08], Drive [+05], Gather Information [+06], Intimidate [+06], Knowledge: Engineering [+08], Knowledge: Streetwise [+08], Knowledge: Technology [+08], Notice [+06], Repair [+08], Research [+08], Search [+08], Sense Motive [+06], Stealth [+05]
Points: [-18-][-72 Ranks-]

Accurate Attack, Attack Focus: Melee +1, Attack Focus: Melee +3, Ambidexterity, Dodge Focus +3, Evasion +3, Improved Sunder, Inventor, Power Attack, Prone Fighting
Points: [-16-]

Attack +06 (Melee), +08 (Ranged)
Grapple +08
Unarmed +04 (Unarmed)
Defense +08
Initiative +05
Points: [-38-]

Weapons and Equipment

Shocker’s Vibro Gauntlets - Device 10Drawbacks: Easy to Loose, Side Effect – Damaging, Tiring [Strike 10, Vibration Control 12, Feats: Alternate Powers x6 - Burrowing, Deflect, Drain Toughness, Nullify Machines, Stun, Extras: Affects Objects, Knockback, Flaws: Check Required] Power Packaging: All Linked

Base Cost: [4/R – 3] + [3/R+5]
Prerequisites: Craft [Electrical] 09, Craft [Mechanical] 09, Knowledge [Engineering] 09
Base Score: 10
Total Cost: [-45-] = [-89/02-]
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

Shocker’s Dampening Armor - Device 10 [Protection 08, Immunity 12 - Drawbacks: Easy to Loose, Vibration Control Only] Herman Schultz designed his triple mesh armor to absorb and easily disperse the kinetic energy generated by his vibro gauntlets. Prolonged exposure or any exposure to the energy generated over time damages the body at 6 per discharge [Toughness vs. 1d20+6]. The suit is the best, or than an inertia dampener, and the only feasible way of countering damage. Significant damage to his suit increases the likelihood of damage

Base Cost: 1/R + 2/R
Prerequisites: Craft [Electrical] 09, Craft [Mechanical] 09, Knowledge [Engineering] 09
Base Score: 10
Total Cost: [-15-] = [-30/02-]
- Based on the Unlimited Power Point Rule Variation

Points: [-180-]

Notes: Schultz is a professional safecracker and burglar and often uses a direct approach when breaking and dismantling security devices. Schultz likes to score hits on personal residences, cash tellers, and financial institutions. The later only if he has partners or if apart of criminal gang or syndicate. If he can pull off a large museum or art gallery heist, or blackmail a city on a large scale, then he will enact his plan carefully accounting for police, freelance heroics, and a escape route or three. The he will see it through. He has clashed with several well-known super-heroes, including both Spider-Man and Iron-Man and emerged victorious on numerous occasions. He does not believe in wholesale slaughter and like to maintain a fearsome reputation. Technically, he lets his actions and name speak for him. He’s the not villain that will drop the proverbial hat and forego a contract either. His equipment and inventing skills has made him confident that he can handle most obstacles placed before him.

In combat, he learned to direct his blasts at physical objects behind or above his enemies. In this manner, he uses the environment to some extent against super-heroes. He has on several occasions used buildings to create falling debris, shrapnel from automobiles or motorcycles, gas tanks and gas lines as combustibles, loose sand to obscure his direction and location. He has fought super-heroes, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and regional law enforcement officers in lumber-yards and building supply stores by using raw materials such as woods, nails and screws as grapeshot.

The Shocker,
© Marvel Comics 2007.

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