RPG Series - Etchavar’s Eviscerater

Etchavar's Eviscerater

Medium Aberration/Ooze
Template: Living Spell

Hit Dice: 13d10+52 [117 hp]
Initiative: +04
- Base: 25’
- Modified: 50 ft. [original speed – 15 ft.]
Armor Class
Base: 22
-Flat-Footed: 18
Touch: 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +13/+13
Attack: Slam (1d6+10), Rig of Blades – Ranged (1d6+10) , Sword +3 Melee (4d6+7, Threat Range: 19-20, Critical Multiple x2
Full Attack:+13 Slam or Sword +17
Space/Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.
Special Attacks:
Hasted, Spell Effects
Special Qualities:
Some Ooze Traits, Blindsight, Damage Resistance 10/Magic, Not Subject to Critical Hits or Flanking, Immunities, Weaponry is an extension of itself thus it cannot Sundered, Stolen, or Deprived. Spell Resistance 17, Can not Engulf (Ex) as per the Living Spell Template, Monster Manual III, Pg. 91.
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +17, Will +15
Str 19 [+04], Int 10 [+00], Wis 14 [+02], Dex 18 [+04], Con 17 [+03], Cha 17 [+03]
Climb +12, Hide +12, Move Silently +12, Swim +10
Feats: Track, Improved Toughness
Environment: Solitary
Organization: Any Land
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: None, but often acts as a guardian creature
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: ---
Level Adjustment: ---


Direct Assault
Sword - Slam- Ring of Blades

Immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions and other attack forms that rely on sight, Immune to charm based magics, Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph and stunning, psionic intrusion.

Immunities (Su): Immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions and other attack forms that rely on sight, color, or darkness. Immune to charm based magics, Immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph and stunning, psionic intrusion.

Spell Effects (Su): A creature hit by a living spell's slam attack is subjected to the normal effect of the spell or spells making up the creature, as if ti were within the area or the effect of the spell itself. Saves apply as normal for the spell, the DC is 10+spell level+charisma modifier.

- Blade of Evisceration - Mordenkainen’s Sword – As per the Player’s Handbook, however this weapon as a personal range and the Eviscerater must wield the sword and strike to inflict any damage. The blade retracts into the Eviscerater’s mass at the conclusion of combat.
- Moves with Unyielding Grace – Haste - +1 extra attack every round.
- Touch of the Grave – Wraithstrike – Melee attacks are resolved as melee touch attacks once per round every other round.
- Ring of Blades – Slashing Damage in a 5ft area of effect with no Reflex save. It can use this ability as a free action and function as per the Spell Compendium.


With an Ioun Stone set in his Headband of Intellect, (a +6 device) Ghaliith desperately activated the magic trinket in a pitched encounter within a portion of a magical weave that was ruptured. The stored magic, however stored in the stone and headband simultaneously activated in a cascade effect. The energies tore through Ghaliith, destroying his brain but leaving enough of his life essence lingering in the area. Both life shards and corrupted energy intertwined into something rarely recorded in the archives of lore and wizardry. The rupture eventually subsided and coalesced into a Living Spell with limited intelligence. Decades later, wizards and sorcerers would be able to recreate this event and create a loyal guardian creature.

Etchavar’s Eviscerater appears as nothing more than a heap of old torn clothing, cloaks, gloves and simple face-mask. Some appear stained or soaked in dry blood. However when certain conditions are meet (i.e. guard this passage, room, myself, etc), the clothing rises and consolidates into a humanoid-shaped combatant ready to do its mater’s fearsome bidding with a fair, but degree of comprehension. To learn something new or formulate, the Eviscerater a needs to Roll a DC 20 + its Charisma and Wisdom modifiers and it able to formulate an attack pattern or counterattack pattern.

Its magic mouth enables it to communicate and answer simple yes or no questions. It can speak in ten to twelve words sentences and is capable of learning from its mistakes, but is no creative genius. It will often rely on simple strategies to defeat it opponents. Its intelligence is limited and sometimes modified or altered via magic.

Spell Composition: Unseen Servant, Cat’s Grace - +4 to Dexterity, Fox’s Cunning - +4 to Intelligence, Magic Mouth, Wraithstrike - once every other round, Ring of Blades - Damage: 1d6+10, Haste, Mordenkainen’s Sword - Damage: 4d6+ 7

© Jeffrey Williams 2007.

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