Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Staff of Unyielding Darkness

Staff of Unyielding Darkness

Crafted my selected lich-necromancers of the Abyss, these dreadful, yet versatile staves and their means of fabrication have made their way onto the various prime material planes. Once in the hands of fell organizations that can use them to ferment strife and undermine legitimate rule, the satff's abilities become all too apparent. Several Thieves’ guilds and spy networks have made use of these staves as tools of psychological interrogation and cunning infiltration. The latter is often used to circumnavigate physical safeguards and magical wards designed to impede an assassination or kidnapping.

For all purposes, this item carries the evil descriptor.

- Winter’s Embrace (1 Charge)
- Ray of Exhaustion (1 Charges)
- Waves of Fatigue (2 Charges)
- Nightmare (3 Charges)
- Shadow Walk (3 Charges)

Weak Evocation, Moderate Necromancy, Moderate Illusion, Moderate Evil, Moderate Mind-Affecting, Moderate Chaos, CL: 12th
Craft Staff, Winter’s Embrace, Ray of Exhaustion, Waves of Fatigue, Nightmare, Shadow Walk
Market Price: 134,000 GP
Cost: 67,000 GP + 5360 XP

© Jeffrey Williams 2007.

Original Content, Player's Handbook
Core Rule Book I V.3.5
© 2003 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Origianl Content, Dungeon Master's Guide
Core Book II V.3.5
© 2003 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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