Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Arrows of Direction

Arrow of Direction, Lesser

Scores of these simple flat metallic trinkets were crafted during the apex of the Shoon Empire. Many were bestowed to loyal bounty hunters and rangers in the service of the Shoon Monarch and Lords to find and track thieves, murderers, and renegades. As with much of the Empire, these useful trinkets faded from history but now and again few have made their ways into the Bazaars of Calimshan, in the Stalls of Trademeet, and the merhcant houses of Waterdeep. The Lesser version has the ability to trace missing or stolen belongings while the greater and rarer version locates abducted people or the unsavory individual who wish not to be found. All that is needed for the magics of these arrows to work is a bit of the object (clothing, paint, sliver of wood, etc.) or person (hair, clothing, blood, etc.)placed within 1' ft of the object in question.

If placed on a flat surface, the objects spins then points in the general direction.

Recently adventurers in Waterdeep, especially those that practice dungeon delving in particular, are driving a demand for such useful items. Without the appropriate skills of a ranger, these arrows make the rescue and retrieval of lost comrades advantageous.

Moderate Divination CL 12; Wizard
Create Wondrous Item, Locate Object
Price: See Below
Market Price: 11,250 Gp for a 12th level Arrow of Direction, Lesser
Cost: 5,625 Gp + 2,812 ExP

Market Price: 9,375 Gp for a 10th level Arrow of Direction, Lesser
Cost: 4,687 Gp + 2,342 ExP

Market Price: 2,812 Gp for a 3rd level Arrow of Direction
Cost: 1,406 Gp + 703 ExP

Arrow of Direction, Greater

This item can locate creature as the spell three times per day and inform the general direction in leagues or miles or in units of measurements smaller than such. The arrow also take in account vertical height, depth and specific terrain. It can also tell whether the given creature is living, injured, or dead. The arrow can track its remains, if there is a significant amount in one given area.

Faint Divination CL 12th: Wizard
Create Wondrous Item, Locate Creature

Market Value: 22,500 Gp for a 12th Level Arrow of Direction, Greater
Cost: 11,250 Gp + 5625 ExP

Market Value: 18750 Gp for a 10th Level Arrow of Direction, Greater
Cost: 9,375 Gp + 4,687 ExP

Market Value: 13,125 Gp for a 7th Level Arrow of Direction, Greater
Cost: 6,562 Gp + 3,281 ExP

© Jeffrey Williams, 2007.

Original Content, Dungeon Masters Guide
By Gary Gygax

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