Ye Olde Xoblob Shoppe - Amulet of Magical Prowess

Amulet of Arcane Prowess

These powerful magical devices appear as gem-studded amulets wrought from precious metals.

In the hands of a wizard or sorcerer, these amulets bequeath an additional 1d4+1 spell slots to an arcane caster’s spell allotment for spells no higher than 6th level. Each spell slot, however, is granted towards a specific spell level totaling no more than 15 spell levels. Also, each additional spell slot may not be used to double a particular spell level or be slotted to a particular spell level that the arcane spell-caster can not access. However, any unused spell slots can be selected for a meta-magic feat if it is used in conjunction with a spell and if the appropriate spell level slot is available, otherwise, they are disregarded for that day’s usage.

Some weaker versions of the amulet have fewer spell slots, or are enchanted to provide spell slots below fourth level. Alternate versions for this amulet are enchanted for the specialist wizard class such as a necromancer, an invoker, or a diviner. Thus the spell slots provided by the amulet will be geared towards a specific spell level and school. Restrictions and penalties do apply.

No amulet of arcane prowess may be constructed for spell-casting prestige classes, nor will it provide additional spell slots when used in conjunction with a prestige class.

If used in conjunction with a ring of wizardry, then appropriate spell levels stack for the purpose of spell memorization (per wizard class rules) or intuitive ability (per sorcerer class rules).

A single pearl of power or more, if the wizard possesses such a trinket, maybe used to recall a particular spell if so selected for that spell level and its accompanying slot.

Bards do not benefit from this device.

Amulet of Divine Piety

Functions in a similar fashion to the aforementioned amulet above, but the spell slots are geared for divine spells; thus clerics, paladins, druids, and rangers benefit from this device.

Moderate Enchantment, Strong Transmutation CL: 13th
Craft Wondrous Item, Limited Wish or Miracle
Market Price: 9,800 Gp
Cost: 4,900 Gp + 1,960 XP

© Jeffrey Williams 2007.

Original Content, Dungeon Master's Guide
Core Rule Book II V.3.5
© 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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